Monday, February 9, 2015

Let's Talk

 Let's Talk 

“You must go to everyone I send you to
and say whatever I command you.”
(Jeremiah 1vs7) 

            The city of Boston has a public area called Boston Commons. It is a central park that was set up as a common grazing ground for city owned live stock. I believe that even today, all Boston residents have the legal right to graze their cow on “the common”.

            “The Common” is now and always was a meeting place where people meet to discuss the issues of the day. It still serves that function today. There are people on every corner, some literally standing on soap boxes, discussing everything from gay issues to the mid-east. In fact, you can generally find a “talker” that is representing your ideas no matter what you feel.

            The most common subjects the talkers address are issues of faith. There will be conservatives on one corner and liberals on the next using the same Bible passages to reinforce their beliefs. Often, they engage their audience in debates that may be very intense. “The Boston Common Talkers” represent America’s free speech at its finest.

Most of us shy away from publicly sharing our faith with others. Jesus clearly wants us to share but we generally do not have the confidence to speak out in public. We need to realize that we need to share and “…say whatever I command you.” 

Thought for Today: Today, let us all look for a chance to tell someone about our faith. Let us invite some one to share, someone we may help and possibly even invite them to join us at a service.  

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father today I pray for the strength to do your will here on earth. I pray that I may share my story of my life with You with someone.


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