Thursday, April 30, 2015


Strongholds in Our Lives

For though we live in the world,
we do not wage war as the world does.
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.
On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds
(2 Corinthians 10 vs. 3 & 4)

            Throughout our lives we have issues that dominate our thoughts and distract us from our spiritual selves. They may be either negative issues or even very exciting and positive issues. On the surface they may be very good for us. Distractions that have a strong hold on us, “strongholds,” block us from being Godly or spiritual.
            In our case, the Pickering family had some very successful years in our in the 1980s. We led the good life. We actually owned and ran two businesses, traveled and raised four children. Those were also my triathlon years and both June and I kept very fit. (I just looked at some old photos and wondered how we ever looked like that!) There were several people, including my pastor, who talked with me about possibly being OCD! That could never have been true, making money, having fun, great family trips, etc. and we did go to church. That is the American way! We were victims of a positive stronghold.
            Also in those times there were some negatives. In the early 80’s there was a recession that caused a lot of business stress that dominated our thoughts for several years. There were two kids in college our first business had issues that caused us to hedge our bets and start a second business.
            We had both positive and negative events that had a strong hold on our lives and thoughts. Somehow, June and I developed a spiritual focus. We prayed a lot and meditated about the Lord’s role in our lives. We made it through spiritual growth and so can you.

Thought for Today: Today let’s recognize our strongholds and pray for release. With a Godly focus we can take a break from them.

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and father, today is the day you made for us to enjoy. We are often distracted by life and ask your support so that our concentration on the spirit stays at the forefront. Today we pray that we will contribute to doing your will here on earth.


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