Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Thankful New Year's Eve!

Good News 061412 New Year’s Eve

“The LORD Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.”
Psalm 46v7

            Today rather than focusing on a new beginning, let’s give thanks for the blessed year that has passed. Certainly as we think back there are both positive and negative memories. We may ask why we did some dumb things? …or why something great happened? Whatever the case, the Lord was with us and we need to be thankful.

Thought for Today: Today let us be thankful for last year and prayerful about our future. As we move forward let’s remember two of my favorite themes. Keep healthy in spirit, mind and body. Also when doubt about something remember my favorite philosopher, NIKE and “Just do it!”

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Perfection is a Goal!


Thought for Today: Today we will fail again at being perfect. Let us try to focus on the good that we do, the encouragement that we give others and the love we have in our hearts. That will help us have a great week.
"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work
and the love you have shown him
            as you have helped his people and continue to help them.
         We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end,
                      in order to make your hope sure.
                    We do not want you to become lazy,
              but to imitate those who through faith and patience
                      inherit what has been promised."
               ( Hebrews 6; 10-12)

       In twelve step programs, there is a reading called "How It works". It recognizes that the program is to develop "spiritual growth not perfection". We all tend to get into that perfect mode; perfect mom, perfect dad, perfect employee and the list goes on. Obviously, each of us falls short of perfection.
        In our daily lives, we make mistakes. We could count them weekly and judge ourselves as failures. The only one of us that does not make mistakes probably does nothing. Many people work their way into depression by counting their failures.
        In our spiritual lives it is not any different. We all have made mistakes and will continue to be less than perfect. We may feel bad or judge ourselves rather severely. However, "God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown...". We must remember that as we walk the walk.

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, there is scary and awful news every day. Often we forget your love because of worry and concern. Today we pray that we may focus on your understanding and caring love. We pray for the opportunity to demonstrate and share your love with others.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Joy to the World!

Joy to the World, the Lord has come" 

        There are a lot of one liners that can be taken from Christmas carols. The opening of "Joy to the World" says it all to me. It summarizes our Christian lives; lives of joy through the forgiveness of our faith and our Christian peers. Let us all feel the joy of the season, the love for each other and keep our faith strong throughout the season. 

With blessings, have a great Christmas eve.

Send Bob a Christmas message at bobpickering@comcast.net  

Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Love

 Christmas Love 

"If I have the gift of prophesy, and can fathom all mysteries
and all knowledge
and if I have a faith that can move mountains
but have not love, I am nothing.
If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames,
but have not Love, I gain nothing.”
(1 Corinthians 3-2) 

            The holiday season is a time of great joy. It is full of symbolism. There are bright lights in almost every neighborhood. Stores are full of shoppers buying gifts for their loved ones. Christmas trees light up our homes. Special carols that we sing only once each year sound pleasing to our ears. Yes, the celebration of Christ's birthday is a wonderful experience.  
             As Christians, we proceed through this season each fall. In general, love abounds within our society. When we donate to the food shelf; to Toys for Tots; serve at a shelter; or just say Merry Christmas- we feel good because we are demonstrating our love for each other- through Christ. Love is wonderful gift we have been given through our faith. 

Thought for Today: As we go through the week before Christmas, stress tends to build. Year end activities pile up on top of holiday parties, annual budgets and all the "to do" about Christmas. As we go through the day, let us focus on why we are doing all of this. Not because we have to, but out of love for each other, those around us and the love of Christ.  

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, we are all wrapped up in the season's activities. We are concerned about all of the "hate" in the world. The mid-east, Afghanistan, northern Ireland all seem to be embedded in it. In America and throughout the free world, there is confusion and fear of terrorism. We pray that somehow love can shine through all of this and that we as people may see through the negative forces and learn that love is possible.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Special Days!

Special Days
He who regards one day as special,
 does so to the Lord
(Romans 14 vs. 6) 

                There are 365 days every year. Our goal and challenge is to enjoy them all. We cannot allow our finances; boss or other outside influences to steal the pleasure from any day. God put us here to be happy and we need to do that for Him.

OK, let’s get real, some days are just a drag, things go terribly wrong, God rains on our parade, our back goes out again etc. When negative things get in the way we can choose to have a bad day or chose to trust our faith and give thanks for what went right. Some days it seems that the only thing to give thanks for is that it is over. Well, that’s enough to make it a good day.

Yes, every day will not be a great day. We all have problems and challenges that will take longer than one day to resolve. We need to remember when we live one day at a time, we simplify our solutions. If we do not get it today, we can work on it tomorrow. When an issue is unsolvable, the Lord is with us and He can change the rules. We need to pray and turn unsolvable issues over to the Lord.
Thought for Today: This will be a great day for all of us. We will walk through the challenges and bless the Lord for the experiences and lessons that we learn one day at a time. 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, today we give thanks for the many things that go well and the blessings that we have. We give thanks and pray that we may contribute to your plan in a cheerful and blessed way.


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Spiritual Season!

Thought for the Week: December is the busiest month of the year. Our busy schedules often get in the way of our spiritual lives and we can be too busy to take the time recharge our spiritual batteries. Somehow we need to be sure that our calendar does not overwhelm our spirituality. This week let’s show our spiritual side and focus on positive interactions with our friends and family. 

Maya Angelou said it this way!

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Romans 14, verse 19
“Let us make every effort to
do what leads to peace
and mutual edification.”

Monday, December 9, 2013

Perfect Peace

Good News 061412 Perfect Peace 

“You will keep in perfect Peace
those whose minds are steadfast,
because they have trust in you.”
(Isaiah 26 verse 3) 

            Peace is a direct result of faith and trust. When situations are not what we would like we often focus on the bad results that may occur. When we do that we may bring the negative result upon ourselves. We were not steadfast!
            In life we need to keep our eye on the sky, look upward and outward for the positive results. We need to be steadfast and positive. With a positive outlook and a strong faith we will get the most positive results. This outlook can lead us to perfect peace. 

Thought for Today: Today let us all be positive in the face of all challenges. Let’s snatch peace from the grasp of negativity. 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, today we give thanks for the opportunity to have peace in our lives. We pray that we may focus on doing your will and that through our steadfast love we will have peace and contribute to the peace of others.

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Happiest Season!

Good News 120710- Happiest Season  

Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi.
On the way he asked them, “Who do people say I am?”
They replied, “Some say John the Baptist;
others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.”
“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
Peter answered, “You are the Messiah.”
(Mark 8 vs 27-29)
            It is a great time of the year when we look forward to celebrating Christ’s birth. We are blessed because we believe and are warmed by His presence in our everyday lives. Amongst the daily stresses that our society places on us we have a God given relief.

            I find it interesting that 30 plus years after his birth he was asking who they believed he was. My thoughts are that the Christmas story would be enough. But then, nothing in this world is ever easy; not then and certainly not now.

            So what is Christmas really about? Gifts, material giving and a recharging of our spiritual batteries. It is a great time of the year, the happiest time of the year. We need to enjoy the season while we recharge our batteries, reinforce our beliefs and prepare for the New Year ahead. 

             Katharine McPhee said in her song:
“Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on our troubles
Will be out of sight”

Blessings to you all for a great season of Joy! 

Thought for Today: The Christmas season is not all joys. We will encounter stress, financial hardships, bad weather and all the events of winter life. They are all blessings that are part of our lives. We need to keep Christ as our focus and our stresses will be overcome. 

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father we give thanks for Christmas and all the festivities. We give thanks that “our troubles will be out of sight” through prayer.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Tough Times

Good News 012411 Tough Times

Contend, LORD, with those who contend with me;
   fight against those who fight against me.
Take up shield and armor;
   arise and come to my aid
(Psalm 35 vs. 1&2)

            All days are not created equal. Often there are negative forces in our competitive society that seem overwhelming. There are career issues; most people don’t awaken every day with enthusiasm to go to work.
Financial issues always need to be dealt with and seem to recreate themselves monthly, weekly or quarterly. The calendar always seems too crowded. All together it is easy to wonder where God is in all of this. Is someone working against us?

            Early Christians had it a lot tougher than we do. In David’s case above the majority of the crowds wanted him dead. That was also the case for Paul and Silas almost everywhere they went; “But other Jews were jealous; so they rounded up some bad characters from the marketplace, formed a mob and started a riot in the city.” (Acts 17 vs. 5)  Being an early Christian required a strong faith dedication and I personally think they had to be able to run fast and far!

            The early Christians turned things around through their belief system. We can also do that. We do it with prayer and meditation; God is always with us and available to help.

Thought for Today:  Today let us start out without fear, stress and conflict. If somehow it finds us, interrupts us let’s deal with it in a Godly way. 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father today we give thanks for your presence in our lives; for the opportunity you give us when we speak to you. We give thanks for the peace you bring us.


Turn Around

Good News 012411 Turn Around

May those who delight in my vindication
   shout for joy and gladness;
may they always say, “The LORD be exalted,
   who delights in the well-being of his servant.”
My tongue will proclaim your righteousness,
   your praises all day long
(Psalm 35 vs. 27 & 28) 

                In basic physics we are taught that perpetual motion does not and cannot exist. Something in motion will eventually stop due to outside forces unless we apply energy to it to keep it moving. If you don’t believe it, take your foot of the gas! For non technical people reading this a good summary statement is that there is no free lunch.

            Yesterday we read about the resistance felt by early Christians. The majority did not believe or support them and they had some long days. Of course, many were martyred like Paul and Peter. We will have stressful days, negative days. Yesterday’s message was entitled “Trouble” because at some level we encounter it daily.

            We need to understand that somehow negativity is an opportunity for growth. When we resolve it, we will feel better. Through dedication and prayer and a bit of effort, we can always turn things around.

            We can apply physics to our lives, our congregations, our careers. We need to apply our skills and efforts to keep the ball rolling in a positive way. There is no free lunch and no penalty for success. As stated above “The LORD be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant.”

            We are asked to turn negativity around through our strength and faith. 

Thought for the Day: Today we will have an opportunity to turn over a negative force; to improve our lives. Today let’s make it happen through our strength, efforts and prayers. 

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, today is the first day of the rest of my life, it will start carefree with a beautiful sunrise. We may run into negative forces, difficult situations and items we would rather not deal with. We pray that you guide us and give us the faith and strength to  make it through.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Thought!

Good News Thanksgiving Concept 

"As therefore you received Christ Jesus the Lord,
so live in him, rooted and built up
in him and established in the faith,
just as you were taught,
abounding in Thanksgiving"
(Colossians 2:6-7)
            This is just a short prayer of Thanksgiving today for all of you. The best part of Good News, God is my Spinach and this blog is the many of you who contact me that I have never met. Our Good News list of friends includes four CEO's (at least two take time to share the Good News with staff), many salesmen (because that is my world), several clergy in several countries, many retirees and all sorts of others. Thanks to you all because you each enhance my life at some level.
        Several years ago my pastor spoke of "returning thanks" to God this week rather than "Giving Thanks". It was something his grand father used to do three times a day. His basis was that God gave us the things we are thankful for and he wanted to hear from us but that we were really giving back or returning thanks.  
        This week I return thanks you all, as well as to God, and share my love of people and life with you.

Prayer for Thanksgiving: Dear Lord and Heavenly Father, we return blessings and thanks to you today for the many wonderful experiences we have, the love that we feel from our friends and acquaintances and for the guidance that you give us in our daily lives. We pray that through out the world people learn to appreciate your blessings and to live the life that you desire for us; one of peace and good will for all.

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving Blessing!

Good News 112102A Thanksgiving 

"As therefore you received Christ Jesus the Lord,
so live in him, rooted and built up in
him and established in the faith,
just as you were taught,
abounding in thanksgiving
(Colossians 2:6-7)

            June and I are especially thankful for a family running event we started in 1990, now called the Turkey Day 5K. Each year we are tearfully proud when 10,000 plus runners, walkers, pets and wheel chair participants enjoy their Thanksgiving morning in downtown Minneapolis.  As an aside, but probably more important, will be the contributions of food and hard cash that will be received by the Second Harvest food shelf.  This year, owner operator has fulfilled our dream and taken the event to several cities and it is now a national event. (Boise, Chicago, Minneapolis, Phoenix and San Frisco) We both feel blessed that the Lord gave us the inspiration start this event and placed people in our path who have made it special.

             Thanksgiving is the traditional start of what we call the holiday season. While giving thanks we must be aware and focusing on the good rewarding parts of our lives; focusing on the positive. 

I like the way H. Norman Wright put it, "Thanksgiving is not to be limited to only the times when we are aware of blessings. Let us give thanks even when we have a problem to solve, when there are difficulties to be met.  At these times, we give thanks to God for unconditional love and goodness, for unlimited wisdom and abundance. When we give thanks continually, we are rejuvenated- spirit, mind and body."

    Let us hold those thoughts and be thankful for all of our blessings.

Thought for Today: Let us focus  on giving thanks to God for the love we have for each other and the support we both give and receive.

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, this week we give you thanks for our friends, our families and our troubles. Yes, we give you thanks for our financial crises, our family stress and the ripples in our personal seas of tranquility. Trough our troubles we learn to pray and appreciate the many blessings that seem greater when compared with the ripples of life. We give you thanks for our lives, your love and your Grace.

Friday, November 22, 2013


Good News 060101 Desire

"Flee the evil desires of youth,
and pursue righteousness, faith love and peace...
(2timothy 2 verse 22)

            In this letter, Paul sounds a lot like my mom sounded during high school. During my teen years listening was not my strong suit. How could a ranked athlete and honor student be a bad guy? In my mind my record justified my behaviors and the price paid was ten years that today I refer to as my dark period. Those year were the times I spent learning how life really was a two way street as opposed to a one way street that I owned.

            Faith somehow stayed with me and praying was often present when the darkness was dominant. God was with me in spite of my behaviors. He was always there and I would reach out to him just as Popeye would grab for his spinach. And, just like Popeye’s spinach, He always came through for me. He will also come through for you.

Thought for Today: Today will not be perfect so keep your prayer close by and ask for support! 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, today we thank you for the goodness in our lives and the hope and love that tomorrow will surely bring.


Monday, November 18, 2013

Love and Respect!

0528 Good News 050111 Respect & Love 

May the Lord make your love increase
and overflow for each other and for everyone else,
just as ours does for you.”
(1 Thessalonians 3 vs. 12)           

            Love and respect are the two things that abound in our faith. If we could spread this around the world we could save a fortune on armaments. Unfortunately, jealousy, hate, and disrespect tend to fester all around us also. Maybe we just have to learn to live with it.
            The founding fathers set us up as a democratic republic; a free nation of free people. They also said “In God we trust” and then set up a clear separation between the Government and religion.We want to be free and we Christians want our God, our friends and peace on earth. It is a conundrum!
            Our role is stated clearly by Paul’s message in Thessaloniki: Our role is to grow in the Spirit and with that will come love. The result of spiritual growth is that love and respect blossom and jealousies, hate and disrespect fade away. 

Thought for Today: Today we will interact with people. Many we will choose to see and are glad. That is the easy piece. We will also have to interact with someone we would rather avoid. No matter what the reason, let us show our Christian love and respect for them. 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, today we give thanks for our friends family and acquaintances; the people that bring pleasure and peace to our lives. Today we pray that we can also bring pleasure and peace to everyone through our love and respect.

Friday, November 15, 2013

This is the Day!

Thought for the Week: This is the day (week)  that the Lord has made, let us rejoice! We will experience ups and downs but with the hope of God in our hearts, the downs can be short, the ups can be high it can be a week of joy. It is our choice.
Aristotle said it this way: “Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.” 
Romans 15verse 13
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace
 as you trust in him,
so that you may overflow with hope
by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Slow Down!

"Be still and acknowledge that I am God"
(Psalm 46:10)           

            The coming holiday season will be very busy. A joke went around last week that we need to stuff our thanksgiving turkey with Prozac to help with holiday stress. 

            In his book Bread for the Table, Henry Nouwen says it this way, These are words to take with us in our busy lives. We may think about stillness in contrast to our noisy world. But perhaps we can go further and keep an inner stillness even while we carry on … It is important to keep a still place in the "marketplace". This still place is where God can dwell and speak to us. …with that stillness God can be our gentle guide in everything we think and do. 

Thought for Today: As the holidays approach, let us take time to be at peace with our loved ones. Let us be sure that God will be a present in our lives. 

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, the world around us is confusing, sometimes cruel and always difficult to understand. Please allow us time to step aside from our busyness and dwell upon "your will" rather than "our needs". Let us find the peace or stillness to allow "thy will to be done on earth as it is in heaven."

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Winter Thoughts!

Thought for Today: Today let us be thankful for those around us. Be at peace and demonstrate our passion and love to others. We are facing a long winter with short days and long nights. Let us be the light that people are searching for!

 From "Strength To Love," Martin Luther King, Jr.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction.  

(Matthew 5:14-16)

You are the light of the world.
A city on a hill cannot be hidden.
Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.
Instead they put it on its stand,
and it gives light to everyone in the house.
In the same way, let your light shine before men,
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Win-Win !!!!!

Good News 011803 Win-Win 

"...what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honor."
(Psalm 8:4,5) 

           In America there seems to be a win lose philosophy running rampant through out our society. There is a lot of hero worship devoted to overpaid athletes and a lack of compromise in our political system. We seem to have adopted Vince Lombardi's attitude "Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing". Well, that may be our world, but it is not God's world.

        The Psalmist above clearly demonstrates that we were created a little lower than the angels and crowned with glory. There is plenty of God's love for each of us. There are world wide resources that when shared in God's way will do for all. We live in a great world with great people and somehow we taint it with our own un-Godly behaviors.

        As a young athlete in the 40's, I remember the expression "It's not whether you win or lose, it is how you play the game that counts". Somehow that has stuck with me through out my life. It is an expression of a win-win philosophy. I think that is what God had in mind.

Thought for Today: Today let us focus on creating win-win situations in our lives. Observe our surroundings and lighten them up a bit. Slow for the other drivers, merge rather than block. Open a door and allow a few people through. Sit forward in church and leave some room in the back for late comers. Let's show everyone that we all can win.

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, the world is a place of high stress with unrest in the mid east and financial crises in the free world. There has developed a winner take all attitude. This week we pray for reason and understanding. We pray that we can find peace and fellowship with our fellow man rather than anger and violence. Amen.


Saturday, November 2, 2013


Thought for the Week: We will encounter bad news this week and is important to overcome it and make a positive contribution to those around us. Today let us show others our hope for future generations. 

John F. Kennedy said it this way: "One person can make a difference and every person must try." 

In Psalm 19, the psalmist says:

Psalm 19 verses 1-4 

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
 There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.”

Monday, October 28, 2013

Hope Through Prayer!

Folks, This is from my book for March 7th. Since October 7th I have been undergoing treatment for two blocked arteries in my heart. The stents have been installed and are working great. But, I developed a significant blood clot in my leg that will be scary and bothersome for weeks or months. This is one that I read often during the process.

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.”
(Romans 12 vs. 11 & 12) 

            Hold on to your faith, keep holding on. When the going gets tough, when choices are hard, when the stress builds, pray about it; turn it over to God. Paul’s letters repeat that time and time again and often we are not hearing it. Our faith is not always strong and we can be confused.

            In his message above, he is talking about a great way to get through a day, week or month. He is preaching a way of life through faith that leads to confidence and peace.

            Memorize this one, try it and you will like it! 

Thought for Today: Let’s attack today with “fervor”, being “joyful” and by all means prayerfully. 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord we give thanks for the day you have made for us to have. We thank you for the opportunity to do your will and contribute to each other’s peace.



Friday, October 25, 2013

We are Important!

Thought for the Week: In our Lord’s world we are one of billions; a very small dot on the world’s pie chart. In no way are we insignificant. Each of us every day and in every activity has the opportunity to affect those around us in a positive way. We need to be diligent in our pursuit of happiness, love and peace in God’s world.
This week let us remember who our real boss is, our Lord. Let us make every effort to represent him by having a positive influence on those around us. 

Lincoln said it this way, “The leading rule is diligence. Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today.”

 (Colossians 3 vs. 23, 24)

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
 as working for the Lord, not for human masters,
since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.
It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Following the Way!

Good News 050504 Following the Way 

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy,
to offer your bodies as living sacrifices,
holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is...
Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought,
but rather think of yourself with sober judgment,
in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you."
(Romans 12; 1-4) 

    Society does not fit the biblical model that we are taught and often desire. Truth, honesty, integrity, love and many other virtues seem rare at times. Often in our human desire to "fit", we join in and need correction. It is normal to err and join in. It is also forgivable.

    In a discussion last week in a business environment, we were discussing several long term successful business men. We were comparing the successful men with some that were sinking fast or already out of business. It seems that the ones that have long term success may have read Paul’s message to the Romans. Fairness was their trademark and perpetual growth seemed to be a trait. They were not always right, but always seemed to be growing and striving for excellence.

    They earned the respect and trust of those around them. They were not "sharks" but win-win business men. Somehow, they incorporated their Christian beliefs into the tough world of doing business. That is truly doing God's will.

Thought for Today: Today we will all have a chance to stand up and be counted. We will have opportunities to demonstrate our faith in circumstances where we would not normally do so. Let us demonstrate that we are considerate and Godly in our daily activities.

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, the world we live in is distracting and volatile. We all have too much to do, too many commitments and too many fears. Throughout all of this we pray for peace. Peace in our own lives, peace around the world and an end to hate and prejudice. We pray that we end anger and hate in ourselves and can demonstrate the value of peace to others through our example.



Saturday, October 19, 2013

Practice Hospitality!

Thought for the Week: Let us focus on ourselves and our talents. Let us recognize that we have special gifts given to us by the Lord to use for Him. 

John Wesley said it this way: Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can.

St. Paul told the Romans:
Romans 12 verses 10-13

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.
Honor one another above yourselves.
Never be lacking in zeal,
but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and
faithful in prayer.
Share with God’s people who are in need.
Practice hospitality

Monday, October 14, 2013

God is with US!

Good News 062904 God is with Us 

"Now Moses was a very humble man,
more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth"
(Numbers 12:3) 

         Like Moses, we are not always enthusiastic about what God wants. We are a humble lot, conservative and considerate of others views and feelings. Almost to a fault. We are humble before God.
        However, in our lives we are often asked to perform tasks that require an assertive posture. Many of us are leaders in the community, at work and at church. We are often leaders that require strength while still being humble. That is a great leader.

   God's response to Moses was "...I will be with you." and he will be with us always.
        When you are feeling hesitant and inferior, God says, "I will be with you."

        When you are wondering if you can make it another day with the job stress, He says, "I will be with you."

        When you're faced with a tough decision and wondering what to do, He says, "I will be with you."

        When you are experiencing great joy, God is with you.

        You may be a bit reluctant, as was Moses, but we need to remember that as we go through life, God is with us always.

Thought for Today: Today we need to remember that we are not alone. Through our faith we have help meeting our obligations. Let us take control of situations in a humble manner and allow ourselves to be led through the tasks ahead.

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father we thank you for being with us. We are often confused in a world of activity. Often when things go well, we feel that we controlled the situation. We pray that we can recognize your involvement in our every day lives and have the forethought to give you thanks through our actions and prayers.


Friday, October 11, 2013

Prayer Brings Happiness

Thought for the Week: The things that bring peace, serenity and happiness to our lives are found in our spiritual growth. This week let us avoid the rat race by praying for serenity and doing what we need to obtain peace and be happy.

Eleanor Roosevelt said it like this:

“I hope your dreams take you... to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known.”

(Ecclesiastes 11:9)
"Be happy, young person, while you are young,
and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth.
Follow the ways of your heart..."

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Good News 030111 Infants
Brothers and sisters,
I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit
but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ.
(1 Corinthians 3 vs. 1)
            This is my confession to you all, I cannot quote a lot of scripture; do not know a lot of biblical history; have never visited the holy land; sometimes skip my Friday bible study to play golf or work out. At best I am an infant in Christ.
            In fact, I like that because it gives me plenty of room to grow, a reason to keep trying and even a reason to keep writing. There is always hope in knowing that there is growth ahead when we do the right things. Our lives are spiritual journeys without limits or even an end. That’s a great thought.
            As a young engineer my mentor used to quote “The more you know, the more you know you don’t know.” It apparently is an old Confucius quote that I have not confirmed. It is certainly true with our faith. The more we learn the more the mystery and the higher our thirst becomes. That may be the best part of it all!
Thought for Today: Today let us recognize the opportunity to grow in the spirit. Let us recognize we are in our infancy and have room for exciting growth!
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, today we give thanks for your presence in our lives and the peace brought to us through our faith. WE will face challenges today and we go forth with the knowledge that you will be with us.