Presence vs Presents

           Written with Christian Love by   friend in Christ, Paul Stein.

            Presents Vs Presence. Although Christmas time has become a glorious celebration of excess, commercialism and selfishness, let us keep in mind the true gift that we should be celebrating during the season. Jesus can and should be considered the greatest gift that has been bestowed upon mankind. 

Something so many take for granted, shuffled aside or put in a box. It has always been stated that it is better to give than to receive except in this instance. The true gift we have been gifted can never be matched in its immensity and scope. Let this thought ruminate for awhile when considering “presents”. There is no greater present than His Presence! 

Hope comes in many ways in our daily lives. We learn to lean on people places and things when all we really need is to keep this One gift close to our hearts. This gift for those of us who live with this Presence is what we are all seeking in life. What gives us a “leg up” is that we already know the benefits of this gift and just need to put it first at all times. So in this season, one in which we are pulled in so many different directions, one that is filled with all sorts of fluff that has degraded the real meaning of the celebration we can proudly know and proclaim for all to hear beauty of that which we have received! 

To do so with conviction and respect is what we are commanded to do. Peace, love and harmony with our brothers and sisters goes a long way. Living in this purpose would and will make our Lord proud. He would be able to look upon His flock knowing that His coming and all He endured for us was not in vain. So in this season, in this time of giving presents, make sure that you remember to keep His Presence shining forth from you in each and every encounter you have with friends and strangers alike. Merry Christmas to you and your extended family and that the Presence you project will be a shining vision of our Lord Jesus the Christ. 

 Always remember He is the “Reason for the Season”.

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