Monday, May 18, 2015

Respect & Love

 Respect & Love

May the Lord make your love increase
and overflow for each other and for everyone else,
just as ours does for you.”
(1 Thessalonians 3 vs. 12)
            Love and respect are the two things that abound in our faith. If we could spread this around the world we could save a fortune on armaments. Unfortunately, jealousy, hate, and disrespect tend to fester all around us also. Maybe we just have to learn to live with it.
            The founding fathers set us up as a democracy; a free nation of free people. They also said “In God we trust” and then set up a clear separation between the Government and religion. We want to be free and we Christians want our God, our friends and peace on earth. It is a conundrum!
            Our role is stated clearly by Paul’s message in Thessalonica: Our role is to grow in the Spirit and with that will come love. The result of spiritual growth is that love and respect blossom and jealousies, hate and disrespect fade away.

Thought for Today: Today we will interact with people. Many we will choose to see and are glad. That is the easy piece. We will also have to interact with someone we would rather avoid. No matter what the reason, let us show our Christian love and respect for them.

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, today we give thanks for our friends family and acquaintances; the people that bring pleasure and peace to our lives. Today we pray that we can also bring pleasure and peace to everyone through our love and respect.


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