Sunday, February 19, 2017

Young at Heart!

Society seems to be way to negative right now. I thought this post would help!
Young at Heart
"Be happy, young person, while you are young,
and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth.
Follow the ways of your heart..."
(Ecclesiastes 11:9)
Throughout our lifetime, June and I have met people that seem at peace, people that have never quite joined the "rat race" of life, people that had something that we were looking for. The interesting fact was that they crossed all socioeconomic boundaries. The common thread always seemed to be their faith. They always believed that things would work out.
The strong message here is that the things that bring peace, serenity and happiness to our lives are found in our spiritual growth and it will be found in yours.
Thought for Today: Today let us avoid the rat race by praying for serenity and doing what we need to obtain peace.
Prayer for Today: Dear Lord we give you thanks for the opportunities you have placed before us. Today we pray for serenity and peace in our lives and the opportunity to help the cause of peace in our community.

1 comment:

  1. I maintain peace by keeping everything inside and not rocking the boat. And being a doormat in alot of doesnt make me feel better inside but keeps the atmosphere more peaceful.
    If thay is serenity, i have done it in abundance. i have given in to so much and lately,....
    My husband wants to start a church life group at our home and do church planting somewhere in Europe, but home life is up and down and tetchy....i am not happy enough in certain things in our life to feel like i support that.
    And also, i want to say that i hope having a joyous life isnt just reserved for the time you are young....because i hope to eventually have a much happier, peaceful, quitely joyful life still before i am too old


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