Saturday, September 24, 2022



I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last, you renewed your concern for me.

Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it.

I am not saying this because I am in need,

 for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.

 (Philippians 4 vs. 10-13) 

            It always amazes me and reinforces my faith when something Paul said 2000 years ago applies directly to today’s world. For several years our free world economy has been flaky. Trust in government has faded as the leaders of America and the world have become polarized. The advent of Ponzi schemes and fraud by high-powered executives have hurt the trust we need in our financial markets for them to be strong. Even at low levels of government, doubts about their ability to perform are stronger than ever. It is scary because our country and the world rely on trust. In America, our money reminds us that “In God We Trust.” 

            I promise to turn this around. I try not to be political, but that seems to be the case today. Paul is pointing out a simple truth, and we must pay attention. In a recent telecast, televangelist Joel Osteen said, “We do not know what the future holds, but we do know who holds our future.”  Hmmm, there is something to think about. 

Thought for Today: Today and always, take time to focus on our savior. Take a few minutes to appreciate and welcome Him into our life. 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, today we give thanks for Paul’s words and encouragement. We pray that we may accept his advice graciously and lean on you to get through our daily stresses.



Saturday, September 17, 2022

Start The Day

 Start the Day 

" The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn,

shining ever brighter till the full light of day.

But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness;

they do not know what makes them stumble."

(Proverbs 4:18& 19)           

            Those who have known me long know I have always been a morning person. I think there is no better time of day than early morning, even sunrise. There is no prettier sight than the sun coming up out of the sea off of Boston, the early light on the first tee waiting for enough daylight to see the ball's flight, or the sun coming up over a mountain when viewed from a canoe while fishing. I am blessed because the first light is a spiritual event to me. 

Each sunrise starts a new beginning, a new opportunity to do better, and a new opportunity to do God's work. Yesterday is gone and can not be changed, and our future is today and beyond. 

These devotionals started as something to do during the early hours. The newscasts on TV were (and still are) depressing. The newspapers are full of bad news. It seems that bad news sells. Tomorrow you will see a "first light." It may be mid-morning if you are a late sleeper or a sunrise. Either way, it is a new beginning, a new opportunity. It will be the first day of the rest of your life. Spend it with hope and joy. 

Thought for Today: There will be seven days this week. Each is a fresh start. Let us feel the spirit in the first light, the blessing of a new day. Let us live the first day of the rest of our lives with faith and the joy of the Lord. 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, we thank you for the sunrise, the new beginning, new opportunity. We pray we may use this opportunity to do your will here on earth.Amen

Friday, September 9, 2022

Our World 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding.”

(Proverbs 3 vs. 5) 

            As an octogenarian, I constantly wonder about the direction society is going. Remember the good old days? It seems that whatever age you are, they exist. Two of my mom's favorite expressions were "Live and Learn." and "The more you know, the more you don't know." By now, we “Octos” know it all. Hah.


            In the 50s, TV was going to ruin us. We spent more time watching it than reading, but we still read books. Then years later, we bought an Apple IIE computer, and a new age began. In our ever-evolving society, the only constant in the human race is “change.”


            What has not changed? Nature. We still have four seasons; the sun rises and sets; tides ebb and flow. It is September, and here in the northland, the evenings are cool, school has started, and a few leaves are turning.


            Man’s technology changes the way we operate. Our constant is our God-given world. We will read on our phones and tablets and send emails through cyberspace. All the while, God’s world will continue to evolve.

Thought for Today: Let's give thanks for the many fall activities; school begins, kids are excited, and the formal learning process starts. To some, the start of the fall sports season is meaningful. To others, the fall means hunting and being outdoors. It would be easy amongst all the activities to forget God. Remember that all this is God's work, and give thanks for it all.

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, we thank you for your patient love. We hope and pray that we may use that love to understand this complex world and apply it to everyone's benefit.



Saturday, September 3, 2022



"Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your understanding."

(Proverbs 3:5). 

            We often try to make things happen in our lives, driving toward human goals while conforming to modern society's standards. It is easy to get diverted from a solid spiritual track functioning our way rather than the Lord's way. 

            Am I ready and willing to do God's will? If so, how do I know God's will? The ten commandments are a good place to start. What the Lord has in mind for you may take you by surprise. Perhaps it is best expressed by Isaiah 55:8-9: 

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

 neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.

 'As the heavens are higher than the earth,

 so are my ways higher than your ways

 and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts."


            Knowing God's will cannot be a power struggle; he wants our will to be submissive to him. The more we value control and power, the more significant battle we will have. To be at peace, He needs to be in charge. 

Thought for Today: Today, let's try to do God's will through our daily activities. He can and will resolve our problems. 

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, we search for clues to help do your will. We pray that we can contribute to making your world a better place.
