Monday, November 17, 2014


After Job had prayed for his friends,
the LORD made him prosperous again
and gave him twice as much as he had before.”
(Job 42:10)

            Prosperity is generally the result of good work; some are prosperous and some are not. The world economy works that way. It is competitive and some people end up with more than others.
            Today ask yourself where you are in this regard and become a guaranteed winner. You see, real winning is not a financial thing at all. In our competitive business world growth has been difficult. Regarding our physical selves, growth in fitness, weight loss, and staying healthy are challenges that few actually change from year to year. That is why New Year’s resolutions go by the board.
            One area where we can always grow healthier and have plenty of help is spiritual growth. If you are reading this devotional you are on the right track. You see, there is no limit to God’s love and the benefits of being a spiritual being. Spiritual growth is always available, unlimited and beneficial. That is where true prosperity is found.

Thought for Today: Today let us ask if we have had spiritual growth this year? …and why?

Prayer for Today: Lord and Father today help me grow in you, grow in my faith so that I may be a better servant. Amen

Thursday, November 13, 2014

God of Hope!

Romans 15verse 13
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace
 as you trust in him,
so that you may overflow with hope
by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Thought for the Week: This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice! We will experience ups and downs but with the hope of God in our hearts, the downs can be short, the ups can be high it can be a week of joy. It is our choice.
Aristotle said it this way: “Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.” 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Win Win!


"...what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honor."
(Psalm 8:4,5)

           In America there seems to be a win lose philosophy running rampant through out our society. There is a lot of hero worship devoted to overpaid athletes. We seem to have adopted Vince Lombardi's attitude "Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing". Well, that may be our world, but it is not God's world.
        The Psalmist above clearly demonstrates that we were created a little lower than the angels and crowned with glory. There is plenty of God's love for each of us. There are world wide resources that when shared in God's way will do for all. We live in a great world with great people and somehow we taint it with our own un-Godly behaviors.
        As a young athlete in the 40's, I remember the expression "It's not whether you win or lose, it is how you play the game that counts". Somehow that has stuck with me through out my life. It is an expression of a win-win philosophy. I think that is what God had in mind.
Thought for Today: Today let us focus on creating win-win situations in our lives. Observe our surroundings and lighten them up a bit. Slow for the other drivers, merge rather than block. Open a door and allow a few people through. Sit forward in church and leave some room in the back for late comers. Let's show everyone that we all can win.
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, today we are celebrating the veterans who have fought for our freedom and ideals. Still here is war and hate virtually everywhere. There are no safe havens where your love dominates. Today we pray that we may contribute to world peace; to a place where love dominates over anger!

Friday, November 7, 2014



“until we all reach unity in the faith
and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature,
attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”
(Ephesians 4 verse 13) 

            The piece of twelve step programs that I like best is the part where it is explained that our goal is spiritual growth rather than spiritual perfection. That lets us off the hook regarding being perfect which we cannot attain. It removes a lot of guilt!
            Yes we always need to grow in spirit, we need to work on it daily and we need to measure our progress. The question we have is what do we measure ourselves against? Recently I read that I must measure against “…nothing less than the character of Christ.”      
            Hmmm, that is a problem because I cannot attain perfection! That does not diminish the dream of being Christ like. So what seems to be a cunumdrum is actually a gift. When we are faced with options and choices we need to ask; What would Jesus Do? Then we need to do it to insure our growth.

Thought for Today: Today let’s do things the way Jesus would by being loving and forgiving in all of our activities.

Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord we are blessed with your presence, Today, we pray for guidance and the ability to be more like Jesus; the ability to do your will.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Home Care!

Home Care

"Love bears up under anything and everything that comes,
is ever ready to believe the best of every person,
it's hopes are fadeless under all circumstances."
(1 Corinthians 13:7, AMP)
            We are all adjusting our lives to worldly conditions. We have wars and sickness that give us concern regarding our safety. Travel is more difficult, we are more tense and restless, we are changing our style of operation and the way we live our lives. I personally have a deep seeded resentment regarding the changes because they hinder my travel and other retirement activities.
           One of the reasons that my messages exists is exactly the above. We cannot change the world but we can change our feelings through meditation. Meditation works and helps bring us back to reality. One of our friends has a wife chronic, degenerative back disease. She is tired of pain killers and muscle relaxants after fifteen years. She started meditation classes and learned to meditate almost to the point of self hypnosis and reduced her drugs to one quarter of her previous dosage. Her symptoms have been minimized.
          One of the things they teach us in sales is to always be ready for the "sales call" or meeting. Sit in the car before entering the building and review in your mind why you are there and what you hope to accomplish; meditate! It works in sales and in life.
           Many of us bring our daily problems into the home at night and let our frustrations affect our family life. The children bring home their frustrations from school, mom and dad from their jobs (or from a bad round of golf) or from the evening traffic. What for? Tonight when you go home, try sitting in the driveway and read this weeks’ passage and leave the stress behind. Pray that you can go into the house in a loving and caring mood and contribute to the peaceful and loving environment called home.
Thought for Today: Someone once said that at times we are all salesmen. My example of preparing for a meeting is a serious part of business life and success. This week, let us all focus on "preparing for the meeting" with our families and with God. Let us contribute to peace and tranquility rather than helping increase stress.
Prayer: Heavenly father, in our world today there is war, fear of attack, theft and many negative forces. Somehow please guide us to contribute to the peace and friendship, somehow show me how to act when stressed, somehow give me the good judgment to stop and pray rather than to react. Help us do your will through our presence here on Earth.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Protect our Hearts!

Protect Our Hearts

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand
against the devil's schemes...
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist,
with the breastplate of righteousness in place,
and with your feet fitted with the readiness that
comes from the gospel of peace...
 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying ..."
(Ephesians 6:10-18 NIV)
        Today we need to protect ourselves from our own self induced stress as well as the negativity in the World that we cannot control. As Mac Hammond from the Living Word Christian Center puts it, "We need to protect our hearts". The question is how?
        Over the years I have often heard the expression "When the going gets tough, the tough get going". In sports this meant to me that when the pain sets in, push harder; in business when the order is being lost, dig deeper. In each instance, "I" assumed the full responsibility for correcting "my" problem. My male ego would come into the issue and apply pressure to the situation. This has worked very well over the years, but it is not how I have acted since the mid 80's.
        Like many parents, when my two youngest were in private colleges, my ego driven logic failed me. The financial pressure combined with the desire to service the educational needs was too much to get through. This tough guy needed help and it came through the simple saying, "Let go and let God". Funny how that works, everything turned out OK.
        When we are deeply involved with our loved ones, we need to protect our hearts. We need to keep our feet on the ground and make caring decisions through love. If we allow the Lord to help protect our hearts, if we listen to Him and accept His part in our lives, our lives will be better and simpler. Keep on asking for support through prayer.
Thought for Today: Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. It offers each of us a chance to renew ourselves, forgive others and move forward with positive thoughts. This week let us move forward through daily prayer and let the Lord help us over the bumps.
Prayer for Today: Heavenly father, here in America life is good. The kids have food and shoes, there are two cars in the garage, and TV sets in every home- we are truly "fat cats" living under your domain. Today we pray that we keep in mind that the world is not all like we are experiencing it. While giving thanks for our abundance we need to pray that we are doing your will throughout the world for peace and prosperity to spread in a Godly way.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Hallowed Eve! (Halloween in America!)

Halloween 1991

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God. …which transcends all understanding…?”
(Philippians 4 verse 6)

            Halloween, October 31st in 1991 was a significant event in the northern part of the United States. In our family we had two significant events to prepare for; children trick or treating and June’s departure to the UK for a family visit on November 1st. Mother nature also had a plan that she had not consulted with me on; the great Halloween three day blizzard in Minnesota which was a piece of what is now known as “The Perfect Storm.”
            Paul told the Philippians “Do not be anxious about anything…” but millions of Americans were anxious that weekend! People died on lost ships on the Grand Banks and Minneapolis had 30 inches of snow. But it was not all bad on our end. Let me explain.
            In the early afternoon we had a temperature drop and a snow squall started. That is not unusual in Minnesota in the fall and we did not expect it to be anything but a fun Halloween! You see, I had already decorated the outside of the house with Christmas lights so we turned them on. The lights drew a large group of Halloween revelers. We met them with a special greeting, “Ho Ho Ho, Happy Halloween.” There was six inches of snow on the ground and we did pray for the safety of the children.
            In the morning there was 15 inches of snow and the visibility was near zero. A trip to the airport seemed impossible. Prayers were needed. We decided to depart after lunch for a 6:30 flight and the 20 minute trip took over two hours and was very dangerous. June’s flight departed 3 hours late and I had a three hour ride home. Happy Halloween.
            I assume you all know about the perfect storm and sinking of the Andrea Gail from Gloucester. Our trials are minor when compared with the loss of a ship and lives. When we heard the story, it put our events into perspective. We were stressed and blessed at the same time.
            Friday is Halloween, enjoy it with your neighborhood goblins!

Thought for Today: This Friday is a special day and we should enjoy it with the revelers. We should also think back to 1991 and be prayerful.

Prayer for the Day: Heavenly Father, this week we pray for children on a day they look forward to each year. We pray that they be safe and have a great evening. We give thanks for their presence in our lives.