Monday, June 1, 2015

A Good Name!

A Good Name

"A good name is more desirable than great riches."
 (Proverbs 22:1)

In the 60’s when I desired to change careers from engineering to sales I had several interviews that changed my life. On my very first one, I did not have a clue what I was doing and was sliding into a deep hole fast. The fellow conducting the interview let me know quickly and for whatever reason gave me a lecture on selling myself and dressing for success. He pointed out that the most important product that I would ever have to sell would be myself and how important it was to make sure the product was of high quality. Frankly, that was in 1964 and my next sales interview was in 1972, he scared me to death.
In 1972 a gentleman named Warren started my second sales interview with a question, “What have you ever sold?”  That question would have sent me packing in 1964 but not this time. I talked about selling myself to my company to get my job, selling management on budgets and projects and that I believed everyone was a salesman every day whether they knew it or not. The job was mine and it has been all uphill ever since.
During the time from 1964 through 1972, I did a lot of product development; there were college courses, business books, church and of course by my mentor and partner, June. You see, that first interviewer was put in my life to advise me that the Lord gave me two ears to listen and understand.
In a recent Winner’s minute, televangelist Mac Hammond stated that we are all “Brand Managers”. He stated that George Washington said that the one of the most precious things this side of the grave is a good reputation.
Thought for Today: Today let us consider what we are selling in every situation Let us make sure that we are the best possible brand. Also, we will be interacting with a lot of people that may not be as good as they can be. Let’s be sure that they hear the message so that they may benefit from our experience.
Prayer for Today: Dear Father, today we will be working with younger less experienced folks. We pray that we may influence them in a positive Christian way.


Thursday, May 28, 2015


“He who rebukes a man will in the end gain more favor
than he who has a flattering tongue."
(Proverbs 28:23)
        Our faith teaches us to be open and honest with everyone. That is a tall order when it comes to correcting someone. There always seems to be a fear of the negative or the possible confrontation. It is always easier in the short term to be silent.
        Proverbs 28:23 tells it like it is. We will earn more respect and have a better relationship if we express our concerns promptly and honestly. In all of our relationships, the ideal situation is when everyone's feelings are shared. There are justifications for holding back. Fear of disturbing our families or risking our careers is the most common. However, over time, appropriately sharing our feelings always works out better than keeping quiet.
            Proverbs 25:11 tells us that "A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." We need to express ourselves and share those feelings under all conditions.
Thought for Today: Today we will be tempted to avoid issues. We need to recognize those feelings and think about them. We need to find a way to deal with the issues that reflect the way our faith teaches us, by being open and honest.

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, you teach us to be open and honest with everyone. It seems very unreasonable and at times impossible. Today we pray that we can deal with all of the problems that come our way in an open and honest way. We pray that we may do this in good faith.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Honor Them

Today’s blog post is from my devotional for May 30th, the original memorial Day in the United States.

Honor Them

“Here is a trustworthy saying:
If we died with him,
we will also live with him;
…Keep reminding God’s people of these things.”
(2 Corinthians Verses 11 & 14)
Celebrate Memorial Day, pray for all who served; who went before us and all those that we love.

            For several years my son-in-law Rick played in the 451st Fort Smelling Army band. We went to a lot of parades and concerts and had a lot of fun. At each concert they traditionally played the military anthems of the Coast guard, Army, Marines and Navy while the veterans in the crowd stood and saluted. Each time my eyes teared up with emotion when I thought what these people had done for all of us.
            There are places in the world where my writing these messages would be prohibited and criminal. That is not the case here. What makes America great is our freedom of speech, the ability to express ourselves and to hear from the other side. Abraham Lincoln said it like this:
“I am nothing but truth is everything.
I know I am right because I know that liberty is right,
for Christ teaches it, and Christ is God.”

Thought for Today: Today let us remember all who have gone before us and be thankful.

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, today we give thanks to all of those who have gone before us; those who have contributed to our lives today. First all of those who fought in our military that contributed to our freedom; second to our family ancestors who built or traditions and lifestyle; and last to Jesus who gave us grace. Amen

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Our Rock

Our Rock

There is no one holy like the LORD;
there is no one besides you;
there is no Rock like our God.
(1 Samuel 2 vs. 2)

            Growing up in New England we often fished in streams and frequently crossed them by stepping from rock to rock. When we stepped on a loose one or slipped from one we got cold and wet. The analogy I am getting at is we chose the wrong rock! That is not an option with God.
            The Lord is the rock of our life; our foundation and always with us. There are times when we forget that simple truth; when we feel lonely; when we will not let Him in to help. During those times we can feel cold and lonely. (Hopefully not wet!)
            Prayer and devotionals will help that situation. If you are reading this today you are probably sitting squarely on the rock.

Thought for Today: Today let’s be aware of our foundation; our rock!

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, today I recognize you and give thanks for being my rock and foundation. Today I pray that I may recognize someone who has slipped from your rock and help them..


Monday, May 18, 2015

Respect & Love

 Respect & Love

May the Lord make your love increase
and overflow for each other and for everyone else,
just as ours does for you.”
(1 Thessalonians 3 vs. 12)
            Love and respect are the two things that abound in our faith. If we could spread this around the world we could save a fortune on armaments. Unfortunately, jealousy, hate, and disrespect tend to fester all around us also. Maybe we just have to learn to live with it.
            The founding fathers set us up as a democracy; a free nation of free people. They also said “In God we trust” and then set up a clear separation between the Government and religion. We want to be free and we Christians want our God, our friends and peace on earth. It is a conundrum!
            Our role is stated clearly by Paul’s message in Thessalonica: Our role is to grow in the Spirit and with that will come love. The result of spiritual growth is that love and respect blossom and jealousies, hate and disrespect fade away.

Thought for Today: Today we will interact with people. Many we will choose to see and are glad. That is the easy piece. We will also have to interact with someone we would rather avoid. No matter what the reason, let us show our Christian love and respect for them.

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, today we give thanks for our friends family and acquaintances; the people that bring pleasure and peace to our lives. Today we pray that we can also bring pleasure and peace to everyone through our love and respect.


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Daily Diligence

Daily Diligence

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
as working for the Lord, not for human masters,
since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.
It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”
(Colossians 3 vs. 23, 24) 

            My first real job was a drafting trainee at Bell Labs in Andover Massachusetts. I look back and think that it may have been the lowest of the lows and the least important position in the company. It was however a great experience working with experienced caring professionals who wanted everyone to grow and succeed.

            My mentor, Bob Drew, talked with me a lot about team work and told me something that I never forgot. He came over with an AT&T annual report, opened it to the pie chart that showed their revenue breakdown. He had placed a dot of ink with a quill pen (this was pre ball point!) and explained that in the big company picture I was smaller than that dot! There were over 50,000 employees during that era. His message was that my dot could only grow when the whole pie grew and that I should always “…work at it with all my heart.” He encouraged me to be a company man and a team player.

            In our Lord’s world we are one of billions; smaller even than my dot on that pie chart; but in no way are we insignificant. Each of us every day and in every activity has the opportunity to affect those around us in a positive way. We need to be diligent in our pursuit of happiness, love and peace in God’s world.

Lincoln said it this way, “The leading rule is diligence. Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today.”

Thought for Today: For today let us remember who our real boss is, our Lord. Let us make every effort to represent him well as we move through the day by having a positive influence on those around us. 

Prayer for Today: Dear lord we give thanks for the opportunities that we will have to help others. We pray that with your guidance we will have a positive impact on those around us and the world.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Real Freedom!

 Real Freedom
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.
Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves
be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. ...
The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.”
(Galatians 5:1,6)
        In our society today we find too many ways to become slaves. Along with our careers we take on the church projects, the youth sports, charity events etc. Then we become aware that we have little time left for meditation and rest. In today's world we tend to create our own brand of slavery, all in the name of lifestyle?
        Often our pastors ask us to put down the morning paper, turn off the TV news and pick up the daily meditation book; start the day with meditation and love!    I think at some time we have all tried it and then backed off. That's how Good News was started. My will power kept going back to the news and sports!
        Certainly we are better people and have a better life when we keep our faith at the forefront; when we recharge our spiritual batteries. When we our faith batteries are fully charges, large problems seem to have less impact, it is easier to show others we care and tranquility comes to the surface. As Paul said above, "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." Let's take the advice of my favorite philosopher, NIKE, and "Just Do It."
Thought for Today: Let us keep meditation at the forefront today. Yes, we are too busy and need to get to the lake home, mow the lawn; the kids have three games etc. But no one says we need to be formal in our thoughts regarding our faith. Take a mini-break a day; at a stop light, in the parking lot- a few minutes of charging the batteries goes a long way.
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, we have become calendar slaves. Our lifestyles and fear of losing our it has dominated our lives. Today we pray that we can trust in you and recognize that your grace is what we need.