A Good Name
"A good
name is more desirable than great riches."
(Proverbs 22:1)
the 60’s when I desired to change careers from engineering to sales I had
several interviews that changed my life. On my very first one, I did not have a
clue what I was doing and was sliding into a deep hole fast. The fellow
conducting the interview let me know quickly and for whatever reason gave me a
lecture on selling myself and dressing for success. He pointed out that the
most important product that I would ever have to sell would be myself and how
important it was to make sure the product was of high quality. Frankly, that
was in 1964 and my next sales interview was in 1972, he scared me to death.
1972 a gentleman named Warren started my second sales interview with a
question, “What have you ever sold?”
That question would have sent me packing in 1964 but not this time. I
talked about selling myself to my company to get my job, selling management on
budgets and projects and that I believed everyone was a salesman every day
whether they knew it or not. The job was mine and it has been all uphill ever
the time from 1964 through 1972, I did a lot of product development; there were
college courses, business books, church and of course by my mentor and partner,
June. You see, that first interviewer was put in my life to advise me that the Lord gave me two ears to listen and understand.
In a recent
Winner’s minute, televangelist Mac Hammond stated that we are all “Brand
Managers”. He stated that George Washington said that the one of the most
precious things this side of the grave is a good reputation.
for Today: Today
let us consider what we are selling in every situation Let us make sure that we
are the best possible brand. Also, we will be interacting with a lot of people
that may not be as good as they can be. Let’s be sure that they hear the
message so that they may benefit from our experience.
Prayer for Today: Dear Father,
today we will be working with younger less experienced folks. We pray that we
may influence them in a positive Christian way.