Good Things Happen
“And we know that in all things God
works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose.”
(Romans 8v28)
Each day is a great opportunity for us. Paul said, “God works for the good of those who love him”. Yes, each morning we chose from our many options. The TV news, the newspaper, (sports section or business?), daily meditation or prayer, exercise are all classic options. Each of us needs to choose every day or go back to bed.
The sun will rise tomorrow and every other day. How we greet it is our choice. Not all days will go our way, if they did Harold Kushner’s book “Bad Things Happen to Good People” never would have been written. Just maybe each day when we wake up, before the newspaper and TV, before the exercise, perhaps we need to remind the Lord we love Him.
Cat Steven’s song “Morning has Broken” finishes with “Praise elation, praise every morning, God’s re-creation of a new day.” Yes, tomorrow shows promise through God’s love. We need to accept it and move ahead.
Thought for Today: Today, let us look forward to the sunrise and the opportunity of each new day. Let’s bring the Lord with us, let him support us, and let us give thanks for His presence in our lives.
Prayer for Today:
Dear Lord and Father, today we are blessed with another day. We pray that we
may use it to spread your word and blessings.