Thursday, April 1, 2021



"Almighty God, may they be filled with the Holy Spirit

 and speak the Word of God with boldness..."

-- Acts 4:31 

                April fool’s day is a day of practical jokes, misleading emails, and general tomfoolery! So, let’s skip reading our devotional, forget the Holy Spirit and our Lord so that we may participate. That will not work because we cannot hide from God who loves us.           

Today the comics in the newspaper will have Fool’s Day jokes, the news, and sports programs will be full of them and there will be a few bogus press releases to get your attention. If I was to write a press release for today it would be “Bob shoots par at St. Andrews!” or “… wins the Ironman.”

People would recognize immediately that these were jokes and some would know they were my fantasies.           

Today like all days I hope this devotional puts you on track to recognize the Holy Spirit in your life and the role it plays for you. While others are playing jokes, we need to be sure that we are bold in our faith.

Blessings to you all and enjoy the start of April. 

Thought for Today: For today we will be bold in our faith and remember that it is ok to be a joker also! 

Prayer for Today: Father, we give thanks for all that we are and have. We thank you for having the freedom to enjoy a good joke, a great laugh, and the faith to know the real truth. Our jokes will be dampened today by COVID-19. We pray for overall safety from this virus and speedy recovery of the world’s economy.Amen


Saturday, March 27, 2021




Now all has been heard;
   here is the conclusion of the matter:
… keep his commandments,
   for this, is the duty of all mankind

(Ecclesiastes 12 vs. 13) 

            What a wonderful world it would be! We are all aware of the rules and will have a chance to break them daily, weekly, etc. The temptation is always around and none of us is perfect. Each morning we need to pray “Dear Lord, for today I pray to be perfect.” No coveting, jealousies, anger, aggressiveness toward others (that must mean complete stops at the stop signs!). Ok, when done reading this, try again!           

There are only ten rules to obey for a great life and a great world. Most of us try, many of us fail. That’s why we go to church on Sunday and pray daily. Somehow we end the day wishing we were better; were perfect.           

Each day we strive for perfection; that is we try to build character. We attend church and pray and that generates spiritual growth. Building character is slightly different but parallels it. The closer we are to the spirit, the easier it is to have that perfect character we all desire.           

Persistence is the word, perfection is the goal. Pray daily, obey the commandments daily and life will be good. Never give up being the best you can be. 

Thoughts for Today: For today, let us be aware of the commandments in all of our activities. 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and father today we give thanks for our wonderful lives and the hope we have for the future through our belief in Jesus. We pray for the strength and judgment to be obedient and of the highest character.



Friday, March 19, 2021

Good Things Happen 

And we know that in all things God

works for the good of those who love him,

who have been called according to his purpose.”

(Romans 8v28)           

Each day is a great opportunity for us. Paul said, “God works for the good of those who love him”. Yes, each morning we chose from our many options. The TV news, the newspaper, (sports section or business?), daily meditation or prayer, exercise are all classic options. Each of us needs to choose every day or go back to bed.             

The sun will rise tomorrow and every other day. How we greet it is our choice. Not all days will go our way, if they did Harold Kushner’s book “Bad Things Happen to Good People” never would have been written. Just maybe each day when we wake up, before the newspaper and TV, before the exercise, perhaps we need to remind the Lord we love Him.                       

Cat Steven’s song “Morning has Broken” finishes with “Praise elation, praise every morning, God’s re-creation of a new day.” Yes, tomorrow shows promise through God’s love. We need to accept it and move ahead. 

Thought for Today: Today, let us look forward to the sunrise and the opportunity of each new day. Let’s bring the Lord with us, let him support us, and let us give thanks for His presence in our lives. 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, today we are blessed with another day. We pray that we may use it to spread your word and blessings.



Saturday, March 13, 2021

More Hope!


"God, fill them with all hope, joy, and peace

that they may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit..."

(Romans 15:13) 

            There must be some lucky guy out there married to a woman named Hope. Isn’t that a great thought; awakening every morning with hope; drinking morning coffee with hope; never being too far from thinking about hope. The reality is we can be all those things because the Lord is always with us and through Him, hope abounds. 

            Focusing on the positive gives us hope and feeds positive thoughts. Losing hope in today’s world is easier than having a hopeful mindset. Norman Vincent Peale, in his book, “The power of Positive Thinking”, said it like this, “Change your thoughts and you change your world”. 

One of the greatest things about being a Christian is having hope.  When we look toward the future we must remember Proverb 23 vs. 18. “There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.”

Thought for Today: Let today be a day of hope and light!

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, today we give thanks for our everlasting hope and joy available to us through Jesus. We look forward to a day that we can contribute by showing others the way by example through our hope and light.



Saturday, March 6, 2021

Hope through Prayer


Hope through Prayer 

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.”

(Romans 12 vs. 11 & 12) 

            Hold on to your faith, keep holding on. When the going gets tough, when choices are hard, when the stress builds, pray about it; turn it over to God. Paul’s letters repeat that time and time again and often we do not hear it. Our faith is not always strong and we can be confused.           

In his message above, he is talking about a great way to get through a day, week, or month. He is preaching a way of life through faith that leads to confidence and peace.           

Memorize this one, try it and you will like it! 

Thought for Today: Let’s attack today with “fervor”, being “joyful” and by all means prayerfully. 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord we give thanks for the day you have made for us to have. We thank you for the opportunity to do your will and contribute to each other’s peace.


Monday, March 1, 2021

A Still Place!


 A Still Place 

"Be still and acknowledge that I am God"

 (Psalm 46:10)           

The world is a busy place. Americans are overbooked; families are tied up every day with career and children’s activities; empty-nesters seem to have filled the time with commitments; often retirees do not know how they ever had time to work! That leads to a lot of stress, tension, and often family failures. That’s correct; the family that plays too much together just may not have enough quality time to survive. They do not have time to call for help.           

In his book Bread for the Table, Henry Nouwen says it this way, “These are words to take with us in our busy lives. We may think about stillness in contrast to our noisy world. But perhaps we can go further and keep an inner stillness even while we carry on … It is important to keep a still place in the "marketplace". This still place is where God can dwell and speak to us. …with that stillness, God can be our gentle guide in everything we think and do.” 

Do you have a still place? How do you keep your sanity? 

Thought for Today: The many varied conditions in our world are causing many of our friends and neighbors to go through unplanned changes in their lives. Let us pray that God will be a presence in their lives as they pursue the opportunities presented to them through these changes. 

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, the world around us is confusing, sometimes cruel, and always difficult to understand. Please allow us time to step aside and dwell upon "your will" rather than "our wants and needs". Let us find the peace or stillness to allow "thy will to be done on earth as it is in heaven."

Saturday, February 20, 2021


Love Each Other 

"Help us accept each other as Christ accepted us;
teach us as a sister, brother, each person to embrace;
Be present, Lord, among us, and bring us to believe
we are ourselves accepted and meant to love and live."
(Fred Kaan, "Help Us Accept Each Other", 1974
UMC Hymnal 560 

            In our diverse society today there are many different cultures. God is adding ingredients to America's melting pot. We are constantly challenged by a change in the brew. There are growing populations of various nationalities and religions that seem foreign to us. Yes, some of these make us uncomfortable. Must we accept and love them all?


Picture yourself leaving a movie tonight and walking through a parking lot. You see a group of youths of your race coming toward you. They could be a street gang or a church youth group or your friends going to the next show. At first, there is some doubt, then recognition, and then, hopefully, comfort.


Sometimes we are uncomfortable with who is approaching. We get nervous. When that occurs, it can be justified as a safety precaution. Often it can be a sign of subconscious or even a conscious prejudice. Yes, often our prejudices show up in this way. As Christians, we need to recognize this when it happens.


To get back to the question, "Must we accept and love them all?” the answer is clear. John quotes Jesus in chapter 15:17, " This is my command: Love each other". Jesus left no one off the list.

Thought for Today:  Today, look at our fears, our prejudices, and the way we view the diverse elements of our society. Let us ask if we can learn to exhibit Christian love toward these elements. We will learn that we can when we try.

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, help me reach out to people. Help me understand the undesirable. There is still terror and the threat of war throughout the world. We are confused and have difficulty loving our enemies. We pray for the ability to understand and follow Jesus' command for love.