Saturday, July 27, 2024

Marriage Again

Marriage Again "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value." (Proverbs 31:10,11) Marriage is one of the world's most challenging jobs. Let me quote from The Mystery of Marriage by Mike Mason. "Marriage, even under the best of circumstances, is a crisis, one of the major crises of life. It is a dangerous thing not to be aware of this. Whether it turns out to be a healthy, challenging, and constructive crisis or a disastrous nightmare depends largely upon how willing the partners are to be changed, how malleable they are." "Crises" seems a bit extreme to me. Still, undoubtedly, marriage is an excellent opportunity for the fulfillment of life, and it certainly is not without its opportunities for either success or failure. A marriage blessed by God, where the partners have allowed God's love to grow in their relationship, is one of the world's greatest experiences. Enjoy it. Thought for Today: We face many distractions in our daily lives; work, busy schedules, pandemics, war, and financial issues are some of them. This week let us look at our primary relationships and focus introspectively, up close. Let us understand that when things are okay in our relationships, the outside problems seem less intense; focus on our loves. Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, today we thank the people you have placed close to us in our lives. We pray that we can share our love with friends, family, and others we meet as this week progresses. Amen


Marriage " A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value." (Proverbs 31:10,11 ) On July 28th, 2018, June and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. We were married on her 30th birthday. She has been a blessing to me, and I often refer to her as the light at the end of my tunnel. She helped escort me from my dark period of the 1960s into something better- that seems to be still growing. Fifty years is a long time, and it was not all romance and happy times. There was alcohol treatment, recovery, career moves, stress, the challenges of raising four children, and just living with Bob, who does not always make sense. I often discuss the many benefits of a good marriage: the great mutual support, the care when illness arrives, and the joint celebrations of the many events that occur. Yes, marriage is truly an extraordinary institution when things are well and blessed by God. Thought for Today: Let's keep it simple and enjoy our significant other and those others around us. Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, today we give thanks for the people that you have placed close to us in our lives. We pray that as this week progresses, we can share our love with friends, family, and others we meet. Amen

Friday, July 19, 2024

Letting Go

Letting Go "So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away..." (2 Corinthians 5:17). With God's help, we can release the past and live in the now. Accepting God's presence in our lives can release the past rather than reliving it. Holding on to hurtful memories takes us down roads that lead nowhere. With God's help, we can choose new directions and turn from a nowhere destination to live in the here and now. A piece of all of us seems to need to live in the negative past. Divorced people can hold resentments for years; accident victims often resent the other driver; workers frequently hold grudges against their managers in the workplace, and it goes on. It is easy to do, but in the scope of Christianity, it does not fit. Forgiveness is what leads to peace and happiness. Today is a new day where we can discard the baggage of old habits that limit us. Start anew with God, take control of our lives, and be receptive to all the goodness God has to offer through divine guidance. Yes, today is the first day of the rest of our life. Thought for Today: Today, think about what wears us down. When it is a historical issue, deal with it. If you can adjust to the situation, do it. If you can switch to something positive, do it. If you can not resolve the negativity, pray about it. Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, we need you in our lives more than ever. There are so many negative issues it is often difficult to focus on your goodness. We thank the many blessings you bring to our lives, the great friends we need, the world that surrounds us with beauty, and our families that bless our lives. We thank you as our creator for our many blessings. Amen

Friday, July 12, 2024

Let Go and Let God

Let Go and Let God "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5) What do you do when a problem seems unsolvable? The solution is to let God show you that there is a solution. Do not be troubled if you are uncertain about the future or have difficulty releasing the past. Let go and let God guide you in this present moment. God is with you now. Let go of worries or concerns about how you think something should be done, and let God guide you to the best way to do it. Do not become overwhelmed by the number of tasks before you. Let God's spirit lead you step-by-step to a new life of fulfillment. As you let go and let God take charge of your life, you will realize that seeming obstacles can be disguised opportunities. God will never fail you. Thought for Today: Let go of the stress and tasks that seem impossible and out of our control; do what we can and pray about the rest. Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, we thank your presence in our lives and our future. We have confidence that grace will be ours by letting go, turning things over to you, and living by your laws. Amen

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Independence Day

00704 Independence Day "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." (Galatians 5:1) Independence makes America great, and our many freedoms make this a great place to live. Our constitution relies on our ability to self-govern. Below is a quote from Abraham Lincoln about our system. "This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it." Pray for the future of America. Thought for Today: Let's celebrate our independence by obeying the Lord's commandments. Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, our country celebrates its independence. Our freedoms are based on your laws and our abilities to obey them. Today, we pray for spiritual growth, honesty, integrity, and ethics. Amen