Monday, September 9, 2013

Don't Forget to Call

"The Lord said, 'Call to me and I will come to you.'"
(Jeremiah 33:3) 

            It is easy to go through a busy day without acknowledging the presence of God in our lives. In fact, sometimes when we get to the end of a day and look back, the day seemed out and out un-Godly. That is our own fault. When that happens, we have not done the best job of caring for ourselves.
            We will have busy and stressful days. Whether working or playing, bad things happen to all of us. Confusion and stress always seem to find their way into our lives. Counselors will advise us to put ourselves first for a part of each day. That requires a bit of selfishness to help maintain our sanity. The results make us a better worker, a better parent and overall a better person. There is nothing selfish about that!
            Henri Nouwen called it a still place “…This still place is where God can dwell and speak to us. It also is the place from which we can speak in a healing way to all the people we meet in our busy days.” We all need to think about that. 

Thought for Today: As our economy changes and adjusts to market conditions, many of our friends and neighbors are undergoing unplanned changes in their lives. Let us pray that God will be present in their lives as they pursue the opportunities presented to them through these changes. 

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, the world around us is confusing, sometimes cruel and always difficult to understand. Please allow us time to step aside from our busy schedules and dwell upon "your will" rather than "our needs". Let us find the peace or stillness to allow "…thy will to be done on earth as it is in heaven."


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Who is the Judge?

Thought for Today: Today we to give thanks for the many fall activities; school begins, kids are excited and the formal learning process starts. To some, the start of the fall sports season is meaningful. To others the fall means hunting and being outdoors. It would be easy amongst all the activity to forget God. Let us try remembering that all this is God's work and give thanks for it all.  

From Gandhi:
"The day the POWER of LOVE overrules the LOVE of POWER, the world will know PEACE" 

Who are you to judge someone else's servant?
To his own master he stands or falls.
And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand."
(Romans 14: 4)

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, we thank you for your patient love. We hope and pray that we may use that love to understand this complex world and apply it to everyone's benefit.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Good News 010616 Perseverance 

Therefore since you have been justified through faith, we have peace with God...
we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also rejoice in our
sufferings. Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance brings character; and
character brings hope. And hope does not disappoint us."
(Romans 5:1-5) 

             The key word this week is perseverance. Somehow in our lives we search for serenity or peace. Where does it hide, or do we hide it on our selves? Certainly we all go through phases when we are not at peace. Careers get in the way, illness occurs and the general business of our lifestyle disturbs tranquility.
            When we are not at peace, which is in control? About three years ago, my daughter gave me a daily meditation book. Two years ago I gave up reading the morning newspaper and reading a meditation. It helped me have a better day. I no longer new the baseball scores, how Tiger did or better yet, how many negative things occurred in the world the day before. Meditating gave me a level of peace at the start of the day.
            So where does persistence fit in? Well, peace is illusive and hard to grasp, or even to define. The search may be everlasting. Paul’s message to the Romans is fairly clear. Throughout the ups, downs and general activity of our lives, we must be persistent in our faith and keep God in our lives. Through the grace of God, we will find the hope, peace and tranquility we desire.  

Thought for Today: Today let us review our long standing frustrations. The demanding boss, the developing teenager, the morning commute, whatever is in our lives. Let us pray for God's guidance on how we should help Him deal with the frustration. If He is involved, we will be less frustrated.  

Prayer for Today:  Dear Lord, I give thanks for the many blessings that are present in my life: The good friends, the lifestyle, the rain and flowers. There still are many issues that need attention. I pray for your guidance so that as I work through the issues, you are with me and somehow am doing your work.



Saturday, August 31, 2013

Thank You

Thought for Today: Today let us pause when we are stressed out. Take a break from the hot weather, the office stress, the youth sports playoffs, the back to school issues and think about our blessings. Let us take a time out to thank the Lord for who we are. 

From Randy Staton:

"THANK YOU is the BEST PRAYER that anyone can say. I say that one a lot. Thank you express extreme HUMILITY, GRATITUDE and UNDERSTANDING"  "In order to attract the BLESSINGS that life has to offer , you must TRULY APPRECIATE what you ALREADY have." 

In the name of our Lord Jesus,
Always give thanks for everything to God the father.
(Ephesians 5:20)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


“Whatever your lips utter you must be sure to do…”
(Deuteronomy 23 vs. 23) 

            One of the ways to be successful in life is to keep all of your commitments. If you say it, make sure you do it; even after having second thoughts. Become known as one hundred percent reliable.  It is probably impossible to be 100% but the closer you are the more you will benefit.

            I have a friend who coached youth soccer and had never played. He told the league that he was unqualified but would be available if they could not find someone else. They called and he managed a team and with the help of two assistants that could teach skills they worked things out. He managed the team rather than coached and the kids had fun. This same guy also managed a youth hockey team and could not skate. You see, the people with the skills did not (or could not) make the time commitment.

            In the business world one of my jobs was training people new to sales. Trainees working with me heard the word commitment a lot. Fortunately in sales, most of the competition lacked the passion or desire to be fully committed. If you were the one that got back to the customer first, if the customer trusted you would be prompt, if your information was reliable, you would get the first call and the most orders. It was a simple task and the most important.

            At some time in your life you made a commitment to God. These messages are an opportunity to review that commitment and recharge your batteries; a way to keep committed and stay on track in a world of distractions.

Thought for Today: Today let us be committed. First to God and then to ourselves by being the best we can be! 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, today we give thanks for our many blessings. Our families, friends and people that we do not know yet. We give thanks for being Godly people that will be accepted and liked by others.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Be Happy!

Thought for Today: Let us keep joy at the forefront of our thoughts. When
challenged with life, let's use our shield - the Lord.
If we are ever to enjoy life, now is the time,
Not tomorrow or next year-
Today should be our most wonderful day.
Thomas Dreier 
The Lord is my strength and my shield. My heart trusts in him and I am helped.
My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song."
(Psalm 28:7)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Birthday Special! Spirit, Mind and Body

August 21- Birthday Special

Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens,
always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Jesus Christ.”
(1 Thessalonians 5:15-15) 

Each year on my birthday, I give thanks to something that I learned in my youth as a YMCA brat. The symbol for the Y is a triangle, each side has a meaning, “spirit, mind and body”. Each year I give thanks for my role as a father, son and my place in society. But let’s talk a bit about what it takes to be in a good place with ourselves. It is selfishness. Yes, being selfish in pursuit of a healthy self: mentally, physically and spiritually.
In each of our lives, we must fit into some basic places in society; a family, a workplace and a social setting. We fit best when the three sides of our personal triangle are in a healthy balance. That is to say we focus on each a little every day so that we minimize life’s problems. 

In all areas of our lives, it is important to demonstrate the forgiveness and love that comes from a strong spirituality. We need to be physically fit enough to deal with the long days without being fatigued and run down. Also, we need to be mentally sharp enough to make the decisions that are expected of us. That is a lot to ask of mortals and not an easy task. So be a bit selfish, take care of yourself so that you may be all that

 God wants you to be and be capable of doing God’s work when the opportunity presents itself to you. Take care of yourself so that you can be all that your family needs you to be. Remember the logo of the YMCA, spirit, mind and body. Keep totally fit and enjoy life! 

Birthday Thought: Today is the day the Lord has made, a day for me to enjoy. Friends will recognize it, family will celebrate it and I will enjoy it. It is a blessing that we all have and a great day to give thanks to the Lord for all of our many blessings. 

Birthday Prayer: Heavenly Father, today is a very special day, the day that you brought me into your service. Throughout this day, I give thanks for all the opportunities that you have given to me; the opportunity to have a healthy relationship with family and friends. Today I will often hear the words “happy birthday.”

To those words I say, “Thanks be to God.”
