Friday, September 5, 2014

New Beginnings!

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
he is a new creation;
the old has gone,
the new has come!”
(2 Corinthians 5:17) 

            Today is the first day of the rest of your life; believe in it. We have a great chance every day to start over. Yesterday is past, tomorrow the future and today is a gift from God. It is up to us how we are going to use it; carry around our old baggage or go out and harvest new joys. It is our choice.
            To use a golf analogy, life is like match play, hole by hole versus day by day. A bad golf hole in match play does not cost you the match, it counts as one of eighteen! In life, a bad day is painful and certainly not wanted and may contribute to a bad week. However, it can be a bottom and life can be all uphill from there, or not. We can turn bad into good.
            One of the benefits I get out of writing these is the phone calls and emails from readers. A year ago my mobile rang and it was a non recorded number. I was way too busy to answer a call from someone I did not know and was going to let it ring through. The old softie in me answered after four rings and it was from an old friend and Good News buddy. She was having a really bad day and gone to the Spirit of HopeUMC web site looking for relief. She found my messages and the first one she opened applied to her issue. She made my day by calling to say thanks for being there.
            If you are reading this today you are on the right track and giving yourself the opportunity for a better day. Meditation and prayer will jump start your day and open the window to the light of our faith.

Thought for Today: Today let us start a new beginning and reach out and help another do the same. 

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father we give you thanks for our many blessings and especially for a new day. Today we pray that we capture the joys of life that you lead us to and that we may help someone else also find them.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

More Trust!


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding."
(Proverbs 3:5).

            We often try to make things happen in our lives while driving toward human goals and dreams while conforming to modern society’s standards. It is easy to get diverted from a solid spiritual track when we track our way rather than the Lord’s way; when we pursue possessions rather than peace of mind.
            The question "how do I know God's will?" has been asked many times. But before
this question can be answered, another question should be asked. "Am I ready and willing to do God's will?" If the answer is yes, then the other question can be asked. Remember that in order to do his will, what he has in mind for you may take you by surprise. Perhaps it is best expressed by Isaiah 55:8-9:
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
 neither are your ways my ways', declares the Lord.
 'As the heavens are higher than the earth,
 so are my ways higher than your ways
 and my thoughts higher than your thoughts."
            To know God's will there cannot be any power struggle; he wants our will to be submissive to him. The more we value control and power, the greater a struggle we will have. To be at peace, He needs to be in charge.

Thought for Today: Today let’s try to do God’s will through our daily activities.

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, today we search for clues to help do your will here on earth. We pray that we can contribute to making your world a better place.

Friday, August 29, 2014


“Whatever your lips utter you must be sure to do…”
(Deuteronomy 23 vs. 23) 

            One of the ways to be successful in life is to keep all of your commitments. If you say it, make sure you do it; even after having second thoughts. Become known as one hundred percent reliable.  It is probably impossible to be 100% but the closer you are the more you will benefit.

            I have a friend who coached youth soccer and had never played. He told the league that he was unqualified but would be available if they could not find someone else. They called and he managed a team and with the help of two assistants that could teach skills they worked things out. He managed the team rather than coached and the kids had fun. This same guy also managed a youth hockey team and could not skate. You see, the people with the skills did not (or could not) make the time commitment.

            In the business world one of my jobs was training people new to sales. Trainees working with me heard the word commitment a lot. Fortunately in sales, most of the competition lacked the passion or desire to be fully committed. If you were the one that got back to the customer first, if the customer trusted you would be prompt, if your information was reliable, you would get the first call and the most orders. It was a simple task and the most important.

            At some time in your life you made a commitment to God. These messages are an opportunity to review that commitment and recharge your batteries; a way to keep committed and stay on track in a world of distractions.

Thought for Today: Today let us be committed. First to God and then to ourselves by being the best we can be! 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, today we give thanks for our many blessings. Our families, friends and people that we do not know yet. We give thanks for being Godly people that will be accepted and liked by others.

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Navigator!

 The Navigator

"The LORD will guide you always;
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail."
(Isaiah 58:11)

            Often when we wake up in the morning we do not have a plan. Sometimes we are energized and happy other times we are stressed and depressed. Many times we need to adjust our thoughts to the spiritual side of the balance scale. We need to open the windows to our mind and allow God's fresh breeze to liberate us when we are down. This morning I am waiting for the breeze.
        When waiting for the breeze, there seems to be a need. In my case that need is often met with strong coffee, sugar and perhaps some Ibuprofen. That is not the best solution. It has a physical and temporary lift, but the need is better met spiritually.
        This morning the need was met through prayer. The breeze that arrived came through Isaiah 58:11. Sometimes we forget what we need. We forget that God is with us; we leave Him in the back seat rather than use Him as navigator for the day.
As navigator He will take us to places that we would not have gone on our own.
Thought for Today: Today there will be stress, problematic decisions and times of anguish. We need to focus and remember that "God is with us" and we need to let Him lead. We need to pray over the tough decisions and focus on following His will.
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, we pray for your guidance. We need to understand our immediate world and area of control and also understand the happenings around the global World. Neither seems very well organized today. We pray that we can find a way to contribute through you to help your will prevail in tough situations.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Bob's Annual Birthday Post!

Be a Bit Selfish

"Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way,
and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless..."
(1 Thessalonians 5:23)
        Each year on my birthday, I give thanks to something that I learned in my youth as a YMCA brat. The symbol for the Y is a triangle, each side has a meaning, they are "spirit, mind and body". Each year I give thanks for my role as a father, son and my place in society. But let's talk a bit about what it takes to be in a good place with ourselves.  It is selfishness. Yes, being selfish in pursuit of a healthy self:
Mentally, physically and spiritually.
        In each of our lives, we must fit into some basic places in society; a family, a workplace and a social setting. We fit best when the three sides of our personal triangle are in a healthy balance. That is to say we focus on each a little every day so that we minimize life's problems.
         In all areas of our lives, it is important to demonstrate the forgiveness and love that comes from a strong spirituality. We need to be physically fit enough to deal with the long days without being fatigued and run down. Also, we need to be mentally sharp enough to make the decisions that are expected of us. That is a lot to ask of mortals and not an easy task.
        So be a bit selfish, take care of yourself so that you may be all that what God wants you to be and be capable of doing God's work when the opportunity presents itself to you. Take care of yourself so that you can be all that your family needs you to be. Remember the logo of the YMCA, spirit, mind and body. Keep totally fit.
Thought for Today, My Birthday: Today is the day the Lord has made, a day for me to enjoy. Friends will recognize it, family will celebrate it and I will enjoy it. It is a blessing that we all have and a great day to give thanks to the Lord for all of our many blessings.

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father today is a very special day, the day that you brought me into your service. Through out this day, I give thanks for all the opportunities that you have given to me; the opportunity to have a healthy relationship with family and friends. Today I will often hear the words "happy birthday". To those words I say, "Thanks be to God".

Monday, August 18, 2014

Our Rock!

 Our Rock

There is no one holy like the LORD;
there is no one besides you;
there is no Rock like our God.
(1 Samuel 2 vs. 2)

            Growing up in New England we often fished in streams and frequently crossed them by stepping from rock to rock. When we stepped on a loose one or slipped from one we got cold and wet. The analogy I am getting at is we chose the wrong rock! That is not an option with God.
            The Lord is the rock of our life; our foundation and always with us. There are times when we forget that simple truth; when we feel lonely; when we will not let Him in to help. During those times we can feel cold and lonely. (Hopefully not wet!)
            Prayer and devotionals will help that situation. If you are reading this today you are probably sitting squarely on the rock.

Thought for Today: Today let’s be aware of our foundation; our rock!

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, today I recognize you and give thanks for being my rock and foundation. Today I pray that I may recognize someone who has slipped from your rock and help them..

Friday, August 15, 2014


" I saw that there is nothing better
than that all should enjoy their work,
for that is their lot;
who can bring them to see what will be after them?
(Ecclesiastes 3:22)

            Several years ago we attended the birthday party of a business man and mentor of mine. The attendees covered all areas of life and all age groups. There was a roast and the underlying theme of nearly every speaker had very little to do with money. The recipient was certainly focused on money during business hours, that's just business. He was, however, gracious and generous with his outside activities.
            The general discussions involved how many young people he helped along with their careers. Among the guests were former interns, people from help organizations that specialized in helping people who had lost their jobs and representatives from schools where he had helped out with programs and placements. Outside of business, he demonstrated a tireless generosity.
           There is room in business for strong Christian values.  We need to be profitable to survive and that requires good financial practices.  However, we owe it to ourselves to keep Christian values in all areas of our lives and make every attempt to create win-win situations. Jesus' words in Luke 12 vs.15 speak to us about greed. "Take care! Be on guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions." Christ tells us to remember what is important as we approach our work and the people we encounter each day. We need to share and demonstrate our values every day.
            Thought for Today: As Christians we need to keep our principals in focus. We need to keep our positive attitudes and demonstrate them in our daily lives.
            Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, today we thank you for the principles and ethics we have learned at Jesus knee. Today we pray that we may keep them in focus and apply them in all situations.
