Saturday, December 2, 2017

Invisible Qualities

Invisible Qualities

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities,
his eternal power and divine nature,
have been clearly seen,
being understood from what has been made,
so that men are without excuse.
(Romans 1vs. 20)

            This is a very busy time of the year. There are next year’s budgets at home and at work, the snow needs to be shoveled (for us northerners!), and increased activity at church, holiday parties and all the holiday sports tournaments are added to our month’s activities. It is easy to get caught up in all the human activity and leave our spirituality behind: Merry Christmas.
            It is interesting that activity surrounding Christ’s birthday celebration may often deprive us of the time to meditate and appreciate the wonders of his gifts. It is a glorious time of the year, full of memories of our youth and the excitement of growing closer to our families. Where is God in all of this?
            First and foremost, God is with us; even when we are too busy to be conscious of His presence. His “…invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature” are available to us all, every day. All days are not created equal! We all have our ups and downs. On those days when we are out of touch, where is the Lord? He is exactly where we left Him, waiting to support us.

Thought for Today: This week we are faced with the holiday activities that are added to the norm. It is a blessed time of the year. Let us focus on being sure that we bring the Lord with us every day. Yes, He can go shopping, to a youth Holiday tournament, to a business meeting or any place we will take Him. This week let us silently recognize His presence through meditation and prayer.

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, today we thank you for the gift of grace received through your son Jesus. We are blessed this time of year through the memories of his life and the celebration of his birth. We give thanks for your presence in our lives and the ability to reach out to you when we are stressed.


Saturday, November 25, 2017

Expressing Yourself!

Expressing Yourself

The only thing that counts
is faith expressing itself through love.”
(Galatians 5 vs. 6)

            As Christians we need to demonstrate our goodness every day in every event. That does not mean walking around handing out roses hugging everyone we see. That would scare a lot of people off if we did it!!
Therefore there must be another way.
            Greeting people in biblical times included a hug, a cheek kiss and sometimes water to wash off dusty feet and cool their head. I am pretty sure that if we did that people would be uncomfortable also. Times have changed over 2000 years. However, expressing our faith through love still works.
            There are simple things that we may do that will help and see the effect immediately. When you open a door for someone, make eye contact and smile; they will almost always smile back and seem more relaxed. When in public we often see a crying child with a frustrated mom. Don’t look away or walk away! Try to make eye contact and wave to the child; say something nice. Inevitably if you do, both the mom and child will relax. You would have expressed love in a simple way.
            In photos and movies Jesus is generally portrayed with piercing loving eyes; often a stare. No one really knows if that is a truism but it works. We are supposed to be the light of the world we can be through simple acts of consideration and love!

Thought for Today: Today let’s smile at people and see the difference is makes; they will be more comfortable with us!

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, today I pray that I may demonstrate your love and my faith through my behavior toward others. I pray that I shine your light brightly.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Thanksgiving (An American Tradition)

"As therefore you received Christ Jesus the Lord,
so live in him, rooted and built up in
him and established in the faith,
just as you were taught,
abounding in thanksgiving
(Colossians 2:6-7)

            June and I are especially thankful for a family running event we started in 1990, now called the Turkey Day 5K. Each year we are tearfully proud when 10,000 plus runners (17,500 in 2016), walkers, pets and wheel chair participants enjoy their Thanksgiving morning in downtown Minneapolis.(…and Chicago, Boise, Miami and Phoenix) As an aside, but probably more important, will be the contributions of food and hard cash that will be received by the Second Harvest food shelf. We both feel blessed that the Lord gave us the inspiration start this event and placed people in our path who have made it special.
             Thanksgiving is the traditional start of what we call the holiday season. While giving thanks we must be aware and focus on the good rewarding parts of our lives; on the positive.

I like the way H. Norman Wright put it:
"Thanksgiving is not to be limited to only the times when we are aware of blessings. Let us give thanks even when we have a problem to solve, when there are difficulties to be met.  At these times, we give thanks to God for unconditional love and goodness, for unlimited wisdom and abundance. When we give thanks continually, we are rejuvenated- spirit, mind and body."
    Let us hold those thoughts and be thankful for all of our blessings.
Thought for Today: Let us focus on giving thanks to God for the love we have for each other and the support we both give and receive.
Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, this week we give you thanks for our friends, our families and our troubles. Yes, we give you thanks for our financial crises, our family stress and the ripples in our personal seas of tranquility. Through our troubles we learn to pray and appreciate the many blessings that seem greater when compared with the ripples of life. We give you thanks for our lives, your love and your Grace.

Sunday, November 19, 2017


Standing on the promise of Christ my King,
Through eternal ages let his praises ring;
Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing,
Standing on the promises of God.”
(Promises verse 1)
(written by R. Kelso Carter 1849-1926) 

            This is one of June’s favorite Hymns that covers a lot of issues in our lives. What do we stand for? What is the promise? They are simple questions that I will over simplify today.
            First, we stand for ethical Christian behavior that will benefit ourselves and everyone around us. We stand for living by following the Ten Commandments. Examples of being good are needed in our world and we are designated to show our stuff!
            Second, the promise is Grace; given to us by Christ when he died on the cross. We want to think there are more promises than that. When we need more money, more self-control, more time; more …etc! Somehow we feel deserving. We want what we want when we want it! We already have what we need; Grace!

We need to show off, stand for our faith!

Thought for Today: Today let us stand out in the crowd; stand for our Christian beliefs.

 Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and father, we find it easy to sit and watch. Today we pray for the opportunity and courage to stand up and be counted in your name.


Sunday, November 12, 2017



I lie down and sleep;
I wake again, because the LORD sustains me
(Psalm 3 vs.5)

            Almost every night we go to sleep without fear; knowing that we will awaken refreshed and ready to make it through another day. We walk one step at a time, we live one day at a time and sometimes the days break down into minutes and hours. But we get through them.
            In AA programs the expression “one day at a time” refers to another day without using alcohol or drugs. As an endurance athlete I assure you that you try to avoid thinking about the distance and keep up that one step concept. That is harder than you think because your focus needs to be on the balloon arch that covers the finish line. That’s a conundrum because you need to visualize the finish without thinking about the distance! I look back at my life that way.
            As an elder and retired endurance athlete, I have two friends in their 60s that still are ranked long distance athletes. Each has stated at different times that they have never thought about quitting. Both have extremely strong faith and I admire their commitment to spiritual growth and fitness.
            Making it through a day without addiction, running miles, just getting through a day are always easier when you have faith. You need to believe you can make it and the best way to believe that is through the spirit of the Lord. With His help we will be sustained and succeed in life, the true endurance test!

Thought for Today: Today we awoke refreshed. Tonight we will be tired. Let us go to bed proud of what we did today!

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, today was a day of progress. Tomorrow we pray that we may believe that you are with us as we walk through the challenges of life.


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Always Friends!

 Always Friends

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved,
 clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.
Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
(Colossians 3, 12-14; NIV)

            Most of us have a problem with feeling like one of “God’s chosen people”. The control freak in us wants to believe that we chose to follow Him. That is ego-centric and introspective. We all know that we chase Him until he catches us. In our lives, who are “God’s Chosen” and what do they do? 
            This month is Thanksgiving and one of my traditions is to do Christmas cards. Each card that gets addressed is to someone special. The addressees have all played a part my life. Each in some way has been a friend, advisor, mentor, coach etc. What a wonderful feeling it is to sit there and think about each of them (you). Are they (you) God’s chosen people? They are my saints!
            Naming a few: there is a priest in the UK who included me in his daily prayers during my cancer period, another is a Christian running buddy of over twenty-five years duration, several former pastors who were spiritual advisors… the list goes on. The holiday season is a great opportunity to celebrate Christ’s birth and life. It also a chance to think of the many people God has placed into our lives that have demonstrated to us “… compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience...”
            Since 2012 my list of saints has grown. Through God is My Spinach, the book and the blog, there are people in 135 countries sharing, loving and just being friends through Christ. If you are reading this, you are a blessing to both June and I.

Thought for Today: This season let us simply think about our friends. Let us remember why they are, who they are and what they mean to us.

Prayer for Today: Dear lord and Father, we have many blessings that you have given to us. Among them are our friends and contacts. Each of them is in some way a blessing.  We offer our prayers for their health and happiness and thank you for presenting them to us.


Saturday, October 28, 2017


Halloween 1991

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God
. …which transcends all understanding…?”
(Philippians 4 verse 6)

            Halloween, October 31st in 1991 was a significant event in the northern part of the United States. In our neighborhood we had two significant events to prepare for; children trick or treating and June’s departure to the UK for a family visit on November 1st. Mother nature also had a plan that she had not consulted with us on; the great Halloween three day blizzard in Minnesota which was a piece of what is now known as “The Perfect Storm.”
            Paul told the Philippians “Do not be anxious about anything…” but millions of Americans were anxious that weekend! People died on lost ships on the Grand Banks and Minneapolis had 30 inches of snow. But it was not all bad on our end. Let me explain.
            In the early afternoon we had a temperature drop and a snow squall started. That is not unusual in Minnesota in the fall and we did not expect it to be anything but a fun Halloween! You see, I had already decorated the outside of the house with Christmas lights so we turned them on. The lights drew a large group of Halloween revelers. We met them with a special greeting, “Ho Ho Ho, Happy Halloween.” There was six inches of snow on the ground and we did pray for the safety of the children.
            In the morning there was 15 inches of snow and the visibility was near zero. A trip to the airport seemed impossible. Prayers were needed. We decided to depart after lunch for a 6:30 flight and the 20 minute trip took over two hours and was very dangerous. June’s flight departed 3 hours late and I had a three hour ride home. Happy Halloween.
            I assume you all know about the perfect storm and sinking of the Andrea Gail from Gloucester. Our trials were minor when compared with the loss of a ship and lives. When we heard the story, it put our events into perspective. We were stressed and blessed at the same time.
            Tuesday is Halloween, enjoy it with your neighborhood goblins!

Thought for Today: Tuesday, Halloween, is a special day and we should enjoy it with the revelers. We should also think back to 1991 and be prayerful.

Prayer for the Day: Heavenly Father, this week we pray for children on a day they look forward to each year. We pray that they be safe and have a great evening. We give thanks for their presence in our lives.
