Tuesday, December 14, 2021

A Blue Christmas 

Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me,

for in you, my soul takes refuge.

I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings

until the disaster has passed.

(Psalm 57:1) 

            This week Christian Churches have a particular service for people having a sad time over the Holidays. Often called a Blue Christmas Service after the Elvis Presley song, but also exists as a Service of Light and Hope. It is worth attending. We can always find reasons to be blue over the holidays, and it is good to take a look at those feelings, put them in perspective and pray to God for the support available to us.

            Our friends Bob, Carl, and Dave miss their wives who passed this year. There are too many to list with severe ailments and others with challenging career and financial situations. Also, we need to pray for what seems to be our new COVID lifestyle.  

            Christmas is a time of celebration. Through it, we remember those who are experiencing loss. June and I pray about aging, living in a new society with COVID, and our growing family’s future. We need to accept the joy of the season as we move toward the holiday. Take refuge in the shadow of God’s wings. 

Thought for Today: Let us take note of our sad feelings over the holidays. Let us recognize that they exist. Rather than mask them with joy, let us pray about them and turn them over to God so we can enjoy the celebration of Christ’s birth. 

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, we have special prayers for the holidays. We pray that your presence brings trust and love to the world. We pray for people who have lost loved ones and are spending their first Christmas with an empty place at the table. We give thanks for your role in our lives and the help you give us. Thank you for being available for us each day.




Saturday, December 11, 2021

Christmas Love

Christmas Love "If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not to love, I am nothing. (1 Corinthians 13-2) The holiday season is a time of great joy and symbolism. There are bright lights in almost every neighborhood, stores are full of shoppers buying gifts for loved ones, and Christmas trees light up our homes. Special carols that we sing only once each year sound pleasing to our ears. Yes, the celebration of Christ's birthday is a beautiful experience. As Christians, we proceed through this season, and love abounds within our society. When we donate to the food shelf, Toys for Tots, serve at a shelter, or say Merry Christmas, we feel good because we are demonstrating our love for each other; through Christ. Love is a beautiful gift we have through our faith. Thought for Today: As we go through this week before Christmas, stress tends to build. Year-end activities pile up on top of holiday parties, annual budgets, and all the "to do" about Christmas. As we go through the day, let us focus on why we do all of this. Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, we are all wrapped up in the season's activities. We are concerned about all of the "hate" in the world. Everywhere there seems to be unrest and fear of terror and violence. We pray that somehow love can shine through all of this and that we as people may see through the negative forces and learn that love is possible. Amen

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Invisible Qualities

Invisible Qualities “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature have been seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” (Romans 1vs. 20) The holiday season is a hectic time of the year. Next year’s budgets at home and work, the snow needs to be shoveled (for us northerners), and increased activity at church, holiday parties, and all the holiday sports tournaments added to our schedule. It is easy to get caught up in human activities and leave our spirituality behind. Merry Christmas. Interestingly, activity surrounding Christ’s birthday celebration may often deprive us of the time to meditate and appreciate the wonders of his gifts. It is a glorious time of the year, full of memories of our youth and the excitement of growing closer to our families. Where is God in all of this? First and foremost, God is with us, even when we are too busy to be conscious of His presence. His “…invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature” are available to us all, every day. All days are not created equal! We all have our ups and downs. On those days when we are out of touch, where is the Lord? He is precisely where we left Him, waiting to support us. Thought for Today: We face holiday activities added to the norm. It is a blessed time of the year. Let us focus on being sure that we bring the Lord with us every day. Yes, He can go shopping, to a youth Holiday tournament, to a business meeting, or any place we will take Him. This week let us silently recognize His presence through meditation and prayer. Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, today we thank you for the gift of grace received through your son Jesus. We are blessed this time of year through the memories of his life and the celebration of his birth. We give thanks for your presence in our lives and the ability to reach out to you when we are stressed. Amen

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Expressing Yourself

Expressing Yourself “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” (Galatians 5 vs. 6) As Christians, we need to demonstrate our best every day in every event. That does not mean walking around handing out roses hugging everyone we see, which would scare many people off. Therefore there must be another way. Greeting people in biblical times included a hug, a cheek kiss, and sometimes water to wash off dusty feet and cool their heads. If we did that, people would be uncomfortable. Times have changed over 2000 years, and however, expressing our faith through love still works. You may do simple things that will help, and you can see the effect immediately. When you open a door for someone, make eye contact and smile; they will almost always smile back and seem more relaxed. In public places, we often see a crying child with a frustrated mom. Don’t look away or walk away! Try to make eye contact, smile, and wave to the child; say something nice. Inevitably if you do, both the mom and child will relax. You would have expressed love. In photos and movies, Jesus is portrayed with piercing, loving eyes, often a stare. No one knows if that is a truism, but it works. We are to be the light of the world we can be through simple acts of consideration and love! Thought for Today: Today, let’s smile at people and see their difference; they will be more comfortable with us. Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, today I pray that I demonstrate your love and faith through my behavior toward others. I pray that I shine your light brightly. Amen

Friday, November 19, 2021

The Dalai Lama on Worry

The Dalai Lama 

“Can any of you, by worrying, add a single hour to your life?

(Matthew 6 vs. 27)           

            June and I have the ability to enjoy our lives, both the pitfalls and the pleasures. We strongly believe that somehow the Lord has been involved in our lives and led us to enjoy simple pleasures. We both believe that the ability to put the events into perspective is our greatest blessing through our faith. 

            Several weeks ago, a “Good News buddy” forwarded this to me. It does not describe a person of faith but is accurate for those who have not developed a spiritual lifestyle. 

            The Dalai Lama, when asked about what surprised him most about humanity, answered, 

“Man. Because he sacrifices his health to make money.

Then he sacrifices his money to recuperate his health.

And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present;

the result being that he does not live in the present or the future;

he lives like he is never going to die, and he dies having never really lived.” 

Maybe we can help the friends that the Dalai Lama is referring to.           

Thought for Today: Who in our circle of friends resembles the Dalai Lama’s description? It could be a family member, neighbor, friend, or someone in our church. Today let’s think about that and find a way to share our faith with them. 

Prayer for Today:  Dear Lord, today, let us pray for those who have not included Christ in their lives, those who are spiritually weak, worried about physical rather than Godly issues. We pray for them and ask you for a way to help, a way to share, and a way to contribute to their spiritual growth.



Sunday, November 14, 2021

For the second year, we will celebrate the holiday season with COVID on our minds. June and I are planning Thanksgiving dinner with our daughter Claire. Usually, we would be in downtown Minneapolis with over 10,000 others at the Turkey Day 5K that started at our home in the 1980s. There will be no event again this year. 

01111 Always Friends 

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved,

 clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.

 Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

(Colossians 3, 12-14; NIV) 

            Most of us have a problem with feeling like one of “God’s chosen people.” The control freak in us wants to believe that we chose to follow Him, which is ego-centric and introspective. We all know that we chase Him until he catches us. In our lives, who are “God’s Chosen,” and what do they do?  

            This month is Thanksgiving, and one of my traditions is to do Christmas greetings. Each card and letter that gets addressed is to someone special. The addressees have all played a role in my life, including friends, advisors, mentors, coaches, etc. What a wonderful feeling it is to sit there and think about each of them (you). Are they God’s chosen people?  

            A priest in the UK included me in his daily prayers during my cancer period, another is a running buddy of over thirty-five years duration, and several former pastors who were spiritual advisors… the list goes on. The holiday season is an excellent opportunity to celebrate Christ’s birth and life. It also a chance to think of the many people God has placed into our lives that have demonstrated to us “… compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience...” 

Thought for Today: This week, let us think about our friends. Let us remember why they are, who they are, and what they mean to us. 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, we have many blessings you have given us. Among them are our friends and contacts, and each of them is in some way a blessing. This week we offer our prayers for their health and happiness and thank you for presenting them to us and that we may all get through this 2020 holiday season healthy and thankful!



Sunday, November 7, 2021

Global Peace 

"Whatever you have learned or
received or heard from me,
or seen in me—put it into practice.
And the God of peace will be with you."
(Philippians 4:8)

            There are over 300 million people in America and billions worldwide. As individuals, we are not statistically significant. But we all know that statistics can be manipulated and misrepresented. Indeed, within our Christian faith, each of us is significant to God. In many of Paul's letters, he advised that "God will be with you." I will add, personally, upfront and close.

            As statistically insignificant as the mathematicians make us, God gives us meaning, power, and faith. We are the power of one. As Christians, we can impact the world one individual at a time through our faith. When we demonstrate that we are at peace, we infect those around us. When we demonstrate good Christian ethics, we lead others to follow us. When we are at peace, others want to join us. 

            We all know of pyramid schemes and chain letters. We have an opportunity through our faith to be at the top of a living chain. Each day we are at peace through our faith, we will positively affect our environment. Our challenge as people of faith is to work our peace so others will join us.

Thought for Today: It is challenging but exciting to think that we can affect others with our positive actions. This week let us consider others and, by example, share our hope regarding our future.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we see and hear ugliness in the world daily. There are wars and revolutions in the mid-east and Africa, a worldwide refugee crisis, many of our streets are unsafe, and there are too many negative financial issues within our institutions. It is hard to understand where you are when we are bombarded daily with these issues. We pray for an understanding of your role and that we may participate in an overall solution.