Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I have a post election prayer- Dear Lord, today we pray that our politicians can put their power drive into neutral; that they will take the post election period to work together to manage the USA to be the great place that it is. We are a place of opportunity, warm hearted welcoming of our neighbors and a place where all faiths are free to worship. I pray that we may maintain our strong but welcoming posture.-Amen
"You are awesome, O god, in your sanctuary;
the God of Israel, whose power is in the skies"
(Psalms 68:34-35). 

            Power- what a word. What a feeling. We come into the world looking for power. We equate power with security and control. We hear about power brokers. Books are written in the leadership arena telling you how to gain power, retain power and use power. The feeling of power can be addictive. It gives us an adrenaline rush.

            In relationships, power usually manifests itself as domination. How sad, when a significant other demands submission, partnership is lost. The relationship cannot reach its full potential. Power sometimes negates God's will. It can become a power brokers God.

            I have always said that two heads are four times better than either one. My definition of partnership is when two become one in objectives, dreams and goals. In a good relationship, power is not a problem. Power is only a problem when it is misused.

            In relationships (spousal, parent child and others) sacrifice and caring (love) will generate a better relationship than power and control. Often power and control are masks for insecurity and a low self image. It blocks bonding and growing in a caring relationship. "

Love one another, Just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her."
(Ephesians 5:25) 

Thought For Today: In all of our interactions today, let us keep caring, consideration and love at the forefront of our decision making. 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, help us put the trials of everyday life on earth in perspective. Guide us to the inner peace that can be found in the love of Jesus.

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