Monday, July 21, 2014



After I go through Macedonia, I will come to you—
for I will be going through Macedonia.  
Perhaps I will stay with you a while, or even spend the winter,
so that you can help me on my journey, wherever I go.
   I do not want to see you now and make only a passing visit;
I hope to spend some time with you, if the Lord permits.”
(1 Corinthians 16, 5-7) 

            When reading about Paul’s work for the Lord, his accomplishments leave me in awe. There are times when it is hard to understand how it all happened. Today’s letter gives us a hint that his life had similarities to ours. He was not without stress, he had to set priorities. Today’s verse can be paraphrased as “I am too busy right now to …, I will get to you later.” In today’s society that is really said way too often. Here are some questions for we that are over fifty:
            Did you carry a calendar when you were twelve?
            Were there sports, scouts or other activities on Wednesday or Sunday evening?
            Did anyone wear an Ipod at the dinner table or in a group?
            When June and I raised our children, Wednesday and Sunday night were reserved for Church and the kids did not carry calendars. My grand children not only carry calendars and Personal Digital Assistants full of to do lists, they need them. It is great training for the future, teaching them to make choices, setting priorities. High school kids take college classes, college students are helping in the high schools, and there are internships that need to be fitted in. Things have changed.
            When reading bible stories, it is always great to recognize that the issues then are different than now, but then they are also very similar. Disciples were expected to support the church and spread the word. Paul recognized his responsibilities and set his priorities for the Lord. We have similar responsibilities and need to keep our discipleship high on our priority list.

Thought for Today: Tomorrow let’s wake up and think about where we can work for God. How can we be a good disciple? He will present opportunities if we are willing and alert. 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, we live in the land of plenty. We often forget you in our daily and busy lives. This week we give you thanks for your gifts. We also pray that we recognize the opportunities to do your work and that we can help others in your name. Amen


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