Monday, March 7, 2016


Note that in Minneapolis, MN yesterday it was 60 degrees and birds were chirping. The week looks warm and there are daffodils and crocus peaking from the ground. My favorite time if the year is growing closer! Enjoy!


Now faith is being sure of what we hope for
and certain of what we do not see.
This is what the ancients were commended for.
By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command,
so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
(Hebrews 11:3) 

Spring is a test of our patience and vision. We are tempted to believe that summer has arrived only to be brought back to reality. We will often get a week of cloudy, cold and windy weather after several weeks of warm weather. Bulbs pop through the ground and get covered with frost or even snow. Our hoses are on the reels and we worry they will freeze. The lawn needs to be mowed but it is too cold to sit out and enjoy it. 

June and I have been remembering some of our late spring weather happenings, the cruelty of it all. In 2010 on the last Saturday in April, Get In Gear race day, we had 6 inches of snow and 30 mph winds. On April 10th in 2006 we altered our evening plans because on a blinding snow squall that evening. Those are two recent events that closed golf courses, challenged our psyche and left no doubt who was in charge! 

A friend used to say “Spring has come the grass is riz, I wonder where the flowers is.” English teachers may shudder on that one, but it has a good message. We do wonder where the flowers are and are generally impatient while we wait. We buy flowers in pots and find warm places for them. We want to rush the season. There needs to be a prayer called “Hurry up God.” Spring is also a great time for visions. We know that at His pace, God will make things green and colorful. The frost will go away, the buds will open up and the color will return to nature. We know this will happen and we trust in it as we trust in our faith.  

Thought for the Week: This week let us stop and smell the roses that aren’t there yet. Yes, they have not come out yet, but we know that they will. Spring is a great example of God’s power and wonders, let us enjoy it. 

Prayer for the Week: Dear Heavenly Father, Hurry Up! Yes, we on earth need you to step up the pace! Bring us our spring flowers, warmer weather, fishing season and all that we enjoy. While you are at it, let’s eliminate the hungry, the poor and have world peace! Now let us ask for how we may help. This week we pray that we can contribute to these tasks, that we may find a place to help serve your will in our world.


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