Saturday, July 29, 2017

Marriage Again

Marriage Again

"A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value."
(Proverbs 31:10, 11)

Many times it has been stated that marriage is the world’s toughest job. Let me quote from The Mystery of Marriage by Mike Mason.
            “Marriage, even under the best of circumstances, is a crises; one of the major crises
of life. It is a dangerous thing not to be aware of this. Whether it turns out to be a healthy,
challenging and constructive crises or a disastrous nightmare depends largely upon how willing
the partners are to be changed, how malleable they are."
            "Crises" seems a bit extreme to me, but certainly marriage is a great opportunity for the
fulfillment of life and it certainly is not without its "opportunities" for either success or failure. A marriage blessed by God, one in which the partners have allowed God's love to grow in their
relationship is one of the world’s greatest experiences.

June and I have been blessed.

Thought for Today: We are facing many distractions in our daily lives; work, busy
schedules, terrorism, war, and financial issues are some. This week let us look at our primary
relationships. Let us focus introspectively, up close. Let us understand that when things are fine
in our relationships, the outside problems seem less intense.  Basically, let's focus on our loves.

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