Friday, May 24, 2019

Finishing Again

Finishing Again

"It is better for you to finish now what you began last year.
You were the first, not only to act,
but also to be willing to act.
On with it then and finish the job."
2 Corinthians 8:10-11

         In the spring my thoughts gravitate toward the good old days when my friends and I trained 10 -14 hours a week for endurance events. The camaraderie or the group, the support offered by the group when one of us was having a bad day and the feeling of spirituality in the early mornings as we traveled on our way was priceless.
        As an unranked runner but former elite masters swimmer and Triathlete, there were many times that finishing a running event near the bottom of the pack was more rewarding to me than a swimming or triathlon trophy. A trophy is a nice memento, but over time become unimportant dust collectors. As an elite you are supposed to be near the top, but that really is not what it is about.
        In the early 80's my friend Billy and I ran a half marathon. He finished a good half hour ahead and felt great. My time goal was unrealistic and I ran out of gas at nine miles. The following year, Billy was again a half hour ahead of me but I met my personal goals and expectations. That day generated fond memories and the finishing picture hangs on my office wall. It reminds me that being at the bottom of the pack is not a bad thing when you are at the top of your game. The goal is personal, to be the best YOU can be.  Neither of us won that event or our age group but were proud winners because we finished. Life is like that- when we finish what we start, we win.
Thought for Today: It is spring, a time of renewal. God brings us flowers, green grass and warm temperatures. It is easy to be busy enjoying it all and put a few serious issues on that famous "back burner". Today let us identify what we need to finish; who we need to help; who needs our prayers; who could use a visit. Let us complete the tasks that the Lord has put before us.
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, we need your guidance on how to use your love to succeed. In our cities, our neighborhoods and the world we pray that we can find a way to contribute so that your love will somehow "finish" the race for peace and security.

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