Saturday, January 25, 2020

Our Challenge!

The Lord's servant must not quarrel;
instead, he must be kind 
able to teach and not resentful."
 (2 Timothy 2; 23 & 24)

            Forgiveness is the way of Christian life and It is not always an easy path. We are challenged throughout our lives with anger and resentment. Sometimes we grow vindictive and just want to get even. Wow, what a curse. Is it possible to find peace through revenge? Absolutely not!

            How do we find peace when we feel that someone has done us wrong? How do we keep God at the forefront of our lives when dealing with negativity?

The answer is in good Christian friends, mentors, readings, and prayer.

Thought for Today: Throughout our lives "focusing on the positive" always seems to be a challenge. This week, let us all focus on the great things that we have and deal promptly with the negatives so that we may enjoy life to its fullest.

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, our lives are full of the challenges that are placed before us. Sometimes these challenges create fear and hurt that are difficult to deal with and easy to hang on to.  Friendships and relationships become challenged. Please help us keep the many great and positive gifts you have given us at the forefront of our thoughts and give us the power and wisdom to deal swiftly and honestly with the challenges.  Amen

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