Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christ is Born Today

Good Christian Friends, Rejoice!


"Good Christian friends rejoice

With heart and soul and voice;

Give ye heed to what we say:

Jesus Christ is born today!

Jesus Christ was born for this!

Jesus Christ was born to save!"

(1989 Methodist Hymnal # 224) 

            This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Christmas is a special day in our faith and our society. The public displays that represent our faith, the music, the crowded stores, and special events impact the world, as has Jesus. 

            June and I lived for several years in a complex over half occupied by Jewish families. In the lobby, there was a Christmas tree alongside a menorah. Several of the Jewish families put up lights and had Christmas trees. Recently, One of June's friends, Cheryl, invited her to see her first Christmas tree. Religion was not the issue. It was about happiness, sharing joy, and a beautiful tree. 

            My Jewish tennis friend Bobby has a daughter in college. Every year since she was very young, they would set up a tree for Christmas, and Bobby and his wife would share gifts to celebrate Christ's birthday. He and his wife wanted to acknowledge the spirit of the Christian celebration, and it gave them the chance to discuss openly the differences that exist in the world. Bobby also attends bible study and often contributes using his Old Testament knowledge. 

            My family is Unitarian, and my mom's grandparents were both Unitarian ministers. They view Christ as a great teacher/ philosopher. They do not recognize the holy trinity. However, Christmas is undoubtedly the most important day on their Church calendar. They share in our Joy of Christmas. 

"So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph,and the baby, who was lying in the manger."

(Luke 2 vs. 16) 

Thought for Today: This is the day the Lord has made:

Jesus Christ is born today!\

Jesus Christ was born for this!

Jesus Christ was born to save!


Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, on this joyous day, we pray that we may follow Jesus' teachings and do your will here on earth. We pray for a world of peace and love.



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