Saturday, July 2, 2022

Turn Around

May those who delight in my vindication
   shout for joy and gladness;

(Psalm 35 vs. 27 & 28) 

                We learn in basic physics that perpetual motion does not and cannot exist. Something in motion will eventually stop due to outside forces unless we apply energy to keep it moving. For non-technical people reading this, a good summary statement is that there is no free lunch. If you don’t believe it, take your foot off the gas. 

            In our lives, we have stress and negativity. Early Christians felt a lot of resistence. The majority did not believe or support them, and they had some long days. Paul and Peter, and many others were martyred. They experienced tough times while promoting Christianity. 

            We need to understand that somehow negativity is an opportunity for growth. When we resolve it, we will feel better. Through dedication and prayer, and a bit of effort, we can turn things around. 

            We can apply physics to our lives, congregations, and careers. We need to use our skills and efforts to keep the ball rolling in a positive way. There is no free lunch and no penalty for success. As stated above, “The LORD be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant.” 

            We need to turn negativity around through our strength and faith. 

Thought for the Day: We will have an opportunity to turn over a negative force; to improve our lives. Let’s make it happen through our strength, efforts, and prayers. 

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, today is the first day of the rest of my life. It will start carefree with a beautiful sunrise. We may run into negative forces, hostile situations, and items we would rather not deal with. We pray that you guide us and give us the faith and strength to make it through.



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