Friday, February 28, 2025

A Still Place


 A Still Place 

"Be still and acknowledge that I am God."

 (Psalm 46:10)           

The world is a busy place. Americans are overbooked; families are tied up daily with career and children's activities; empty-nesters seem to have filled the time with commitments; often, retirees do not know how they ever had time to work. That leads to stress, tension, and frequent family failures. That's correct; the family that plays too much together may not have enough quality time to survive. They do not have time to call for help.           

Henry Nouwen says in his book Bread for the Table, "These are words to take with us in our busy lives. We may think about stillness in contrast to our noisy world. But perhaps we can go further and keep an inner stillness even while we carry on. It is important to keep a still place in the "marketplace." This still place is where God can dwell and speak to us. With that stillness, God can be our gentle guide in everything we think and do." 

Do you have a still place? How do you keep your sanity? 

Thought for Today: Influenza, COVID-19, and other conditions in our world are causing many of our friends and neighbors to undergo unplanned life changes. Let us pray that God will be present in their lives as they pursue peace through new opportunities. 

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, the world around us is confusing, sometimes cruel, and always challenging to understand. Please allow us time to step aside and dwell upon "your will" rather than "our wants and needs." Let us find the peace or stillness to allow "thy will to be done on earth as it is in heaven."


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