Monday, August 11, 2014

Whose Law?

Good News 101406B Who’s Law 

Clearly no one is justified before God by the law,
because, “The righteous will live by faith.”
  The law is not based on faith;
(Galatians 3vs. 11& 12)          

            In Civics 101 we are taught that America we follow a version of the English common law. The constitution mixes things up by declaring “In God we trust” and then separating Church and State. What a conundrum. We have to deal with the duplicity. 
            Somehow each state legislature and the congress write thousands of laws and they seem to change them yearly. We spend a lot of time adjusting, ignoring or being unaware of the changes. 
            Governments seem to want to legislate what we know as good Christian ethics; caring about each other, helping each other and developing community. There is no allowance in law for unconditional love and caring for our fellow man.    
            Fortunately, as Christians, when we follow God’s law, we are in alignment with most manmade laws and we coexist very well. In fact, the most successful people that I know of follow God’s law first and man’s law second. There is a connection with faith and success.  

Thought for Today: Today let us practice God’s law. Let’s demonstrate our caring and love of humanity in our actions. Let’s demonstrate unconditional love in our daily activities. 

Prayer for Today: Dear lord, today we pray that in our toughest moment and most challenging time, we may be strong and follow your law.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


“I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me.
Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.”
(Philippians 4 vs. 10-13)
It always amazes me and reinforces my faith when something Paul said 2000 years ago applies directly to today’s world. For several years our free world economy has been flaky. Trust in government has faded as the leaders of America and the world have become polarized. The advent of Ponzi schemes and fraud by high powered executives have hurt the trust we need in our financial markets for them to be strong. Even at low levels of government doubt in their ability to perform are stronger than ever. Frankly, it is scary to me because our country is built on trust. Look at your money, “In God We Trust.”

My Good News is not meant to be political and that seems to be the case today but I promise to turn this around! You see, Paul is pointing out a simple truth and we need to pay attention to it. In a recent telecast televangelist Joel Osteen put it this way, “We do not know what the future holds but we do know who holds our future.” Hmmm, there is something to think about.
Thought for Today: Today and always let us take time to focus on our savior. Let’s take a few minutes to appreciate and welcome Him into our life.
Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, today we give thanks for Paul’s words and encouragement. We pray that we may accept his advice graciously and lean on you to get through our daily stresses.


Monday, August 4, 2014

Positive Focus!

 Positive Focus
"Whoever of you loves life
and desires to see many good days,
keep your tongue from evil
and your lips from speaking lies.
Turn from evil and do good;
seek peace and pursue it."
(Psalm 34: 12-14)

            Many of us today are challenged with issues. Some have lost jobs, some have divorced, others have significant others who are terminally ill; anger, fear and resentments are fostered in this way. How do we deal with the issues without destroying the peace in our life?
            Obviously challenges that threaten our livelihood and families are difficult. Some are hard decisions but get dealt with quickly; others seem unsolvable and could drag on forever. The quickies are best dealt with on the spot and then go away. The long term issues need other techniques and the best are through our faith.
            Several years ago there was a serious issue that involved discrimination within our church. Unfortunately I was in the middle of it and there was no obvious solution and prayer did not work for me. So I went with plan B, when prayer does not work, pray again- but the second time was with my spiritual mentor. It eventually worked out the way the Lord wanted it.
            I like to say that when the going gets tough the tough start praying! Sometimes that is the only solution. 

Thought for Today: Today let’s recognize the tough spots or bumps and pray for a win-win solution.

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father we give thanks today for the ability to insert you into our life’s problems through prayer.


Friday, August 1, 2014

More Grace

Good News 070111 More Grace 

Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves,
others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your
confession of the gospel of Christ,
and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.
And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you,
because of the surpassing grace God has given you.
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
(2 Corinthians 9 vs. 13-15) 

            We are supposed to be the light of the world; born to give; born to receive graciously; born to accept Grace. Paul’s message can be oversimplified by this simple paraphrase: “Through service to others we will find grace and peace.” Until I see that written elsewhere we will consider it just another Pickeringism!
            When we give, help and set examples of Grace we impact those around us in a positive way. That needs to be our mission, our charge and our way of life as Christians: “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” 

Thought for Today: OK, we understand Paul’s message for today- Now let us use it! 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, today we desire to serve. We pray that we recognize the chance to help when you place it before us.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Marriage Story!

Good News 072808- Marriage 40th 
" A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value."
(Proverbs 31:10,11 ) 

On  July 28th , 2008, June and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. We were married on her 30th birthday. She has been a blessing to me and I often refer to her as being the light at the end of my tunnel. She helped escort me from my dark period of the 60’s into something better- that seems to be still growing. Forty years is a long time and it was not all romance and happy times. There was alcohol treatment, recovery, career moves and stress, the challenges of raising four children and just living with Bob who does not always make sense!

           I often discuss the many wonderful benefits of a good marriage: the great mutual support, the care when illness arrives, the mutual celebrations of the many events that occur. Yes, marriage is truly a great institution when things are well and blessed by God.  

Thought for Today: Today let’s keep it simple and enjoy our significant other and those others around us. 

Prayer for the Week: Heavenly Father, today we give thanks for the people that you have placed close to us in our lives. We pray that as this week progresses, we can share our love with friends, family and others who we meet. 







Friday, July 25, 2014

Straight to our Heart

 Straight to our Heart

In the wilderness prepare
the way for the LORD[a];
make straight in the desert
a highway for our God.”
(Isaiah 40 vs. 3)

When driving in the UK where the roads are windy and twisty, occasionally we come to a long straight road that goes on for miles. My wife, a Brit, explained to me that those are ancient Roman roads laid out 2000 years ago. I found that impressive.
In ancient times leaders built roads in the desert for their armies to move. They are long and straight and efficient so they could move quickly. The valleys are filled by pushing the tops of the hills. They facilitated the need. In New England where I grew up there are very few straight roads. They paved the cow paths and horse trails which tended to follow the river beds. It is tough for strangers to find their way.
The message today is that we need to be sure of our road to the lord; that it needs to straight. There needs to be a straight connection between God and our heart. We need to allow the simplest two way travel possible in our complex world; straight to our heart.

Thought for Today: Today let’s think about where our road takes us; where are we going. Perhaps we can take a few bends out and travel straight.

Prayer for the Day: Heavenly Father, we live in a complex world and are surrounded by too much activity and we are over committed. Today we thank you for being with us and pray that we may keep our hearts open to you and stay on a straight and holy path.

Monday, July 21, 2014



After I go through Macedonia, I will come to you—
for I will be going through Macedonia.  
Perhaps I will stay with you a while, or even spend the winter,
so that you can help me on my journey, wherever I go.
   I do not want to see you now and make only a passing visit;
I hope to spend some time with you, if the Lord permits.”
(1 Corinthians 16, 5-7) 

            When reading about Paul’s work for the Lord, his accomplishments leave me in awe. There are times when it is hard to understand how it all happened. Today’s letter gives us a hint that his life had similarities to ours. He was not without stress, he had to set priorities. Today’s verse can be paraphrased as “I am too busy right now to …, I will get to you later.” In today’s society that is really said way too often. Here are some questions for we that are over fifty:
            Did you carry a calendar when you were twelve?
            Were there sports, scouts or other activities on Wednesday or Sunday evening?
            Did anyone wear an Ipod at the dinner table or in a group?
            When June and I raised our children, Wednesday and Sunday night were reserved for Church and the kids did not carry calendars. My grand children not only carry calendars and Personal Digital Assistants full of to do lists, they need them. It is great training for the future, teaching them to make choices, setting priorities. High school kids take college classes, college students are helping in the high schools, and there are internships that need to be fitted in. Things have changed.
            When reading bible stories, it is always great to recognize that the issues then are different than now, but then they are also very similar. Disciples were expected to support the church and spread the word. Paul recognized his responsibilities and set his priorities for the Lord. We have similar responsibilities and need to keep our discipleship high on our priority list.

Thought for Today: Tomorrow let’s wake up and think about where we can work for God. How can we be a good disciple? He will present opportunities if we are willing and alert. 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, we live in the land of plenty. We often forget you in our daily and busy lives. This week we give you thanks for your gifts. We also pray that we recognize the opportunities to do your work and that we can help others in your name. Amen