"Whatever you
have learned or
received or heard from me,
or seen in me—put it into practice.
And the God of peace will be with you."
(Philippians 4:8,9)
There are over 300 million people in America and billions worldwide. As individuals, we are not statistically significant. But we all know that statistics can be manipulated and misrepresented. Indeed, each of us is significant to God within our Christian faith. In many of Paul's letters, he said, "God will be with you." I will add, personally, upfront and close.
As statistically insignificant as the mathematicians make us, God gives us meaning, power, and faith. We are the power of one. As Christians, we can impact the world one individual at a time through our faith. When we demonstrate that we are at peace, we infect those around us. When we demonstrate good Christian ethics, we lead others to follow us. When we are at peace, others want to join us.
Our challenge as people of faith is working our peace so that others join
us. We all know of pyramid schemes and chain letters. Through our faith, we can
be at the top of a living chain. Each day we are at peace through our faith,
and we will positively affect our environment.
Thought for Today: It is challenging but exciting to think that we
can affect others with our positive actions. This week let us consider others
and, by example, share our hope regarding our future.