Friday, February 28, 2025

A Still Place


 A Still Place 

"Be still and acknowledge that I am God."

 (Psalm 46:10)           

The world is a busy place. Americans are overbooked; families are tied up daily with career and children's activities; empty-nesters seem to have filled the time with commitments; often, retirees do not know how they ever had time to work. That leads to stress, tension, and frequent family failures. That's correct; the family that plays too much together may not have enough quality time to survive. They do not have time to call for help.           

Henry Nouwen says in his book Bread for the Table, "These are words to take with us in our busy lives. We may think about stillness in contrast to our noisy world. But perhaps we can go further and keep an inner stillness even while we carry on. It is important to keep a still place in the "marketplace." This still place is where God can dwell and speak to us. With that stillness, God can be our gentle guide in everything we think and do." 

Do you have a still place? How do you keep your sanity? 

Thought for Today: Influenza, COVID-19, and other conditions in our world are causing many of our friends and neighbors to undergo unplanned life changes. Let us pray that God will be present in their lives as they pursue peace through new opportunities. 

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, the world around us is confusing, sometimes cruel, and always challenging to understand. Please allow us time to step aside and dwell upon "your will" rather than "our wants and needs." Let us find the peace or stillness to allow "thy will to be done on earth as it is in heaven."


Friday, February 21, 2025

Share Your Spirit

 Share Your Spirit

"And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us,

written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God,

not on tablets of stone but tablets of human hearts."

(2 Corinthians 3:3)


        In the early 1990s, the pastor at our small church introduced the concept that we were all ministers, and his function was facilitator or spiritual leader. He encouraged us to speak our faith, demonstrate our spirituality daily, and reach out to people. He used to say that the average Methodist invited a guest to church every 22 years.


In our wildest dreams, we may someday achieve world peace, resolve world hunger, and become an ethnically and racially blended society. When that happens, it will not happen through our politics today. It will be a Godly event that we cannot perceive.


        We are all ministers and have the opportunity to work every day towards an improved society. Language and color divide us into nations and social groups. However, there is a common language,".., not on tablets of stone, but tablets of human hearts." We all have a job to do.

Thought for Today: We can easily get caught up in our activities. Families have sports programs, school issues, and business issues, while singles have their way of filling the week. Yes, most people in the world keep busy. Today, let us seek the opportunity to demonstrate and share our spirit with someone.


Prayer for the Day: Heavenly Father, today we thank you for the people you placed in our lives who have supported and led us to grace. Today, we pray for the opportunity to contribute to your will here on earth.



Friday, February 14, 2025


00213 Respect 

"Plans fail for lack of counsel,
but with many advisers, they succeed."

(Proverbs 15:22) 

        Earning respect is an ongoing challenge throughout our lives. According to the book of Proverbs, communication will make other people want to connect with us. Proverbs 15vs22 talks about the benefits of good counseling and sound advice.


"Two people working together are four times better than the best of the two alone.

Also, three heads are nine times better than the best of the three working alone."  There are no scientific studies to confirm this, but it is true at some level. Sharing our thoughts and advice makes us all stronger.


To earn respect, be a willing advisor. Share your experiences, your knowledge, and goodwill with those in need. Share that precious intellectual property that God has allowed you to accumulate. Earn respect through sharing.

Thought for Today: Today, let us think about helping others through our experienced advice. Try hard to let others help us. Listen and share as Proverbs advises us and observe how much better we feel when we practice sharing.

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, we pray for peace and tranquility for those around us and throughout the world. We pray that somehow our life's experiences may be shared and used as an example of your will.





Saturday, February 8, 2025



Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,

 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.

It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

 (Colossus 3:23-27, NIV) 

            One of my expressions or a “Pickeringism” is  that all days are not created equal. Here is an example. There are days that we are full of boundless energy and others when we are as flat as pancakes. However, these feelings are mental, physical, and emotional states, and they do not affect our hearts, just our performance or output.           

As a long-term weekend athlete, there have been too many days when only the heart showed up for the workout; the arms, legs, and head wanted to go back to bed. There were many days when that’s how the day started, but the performance was in the excellent range when it ended.           

One of my best friends and a four-time Olympic athlete relates to this. Pat has trained every day of his life, and he can relate to the fact that the heart and head often lead the body, “ …  work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord,” and you will be rewarded with excellence. Excellence starts with believing in yourself and the Lord; the rest will follow. 

Thought for Today: Remember that “All days are not created equal.” On the day we want to go back to bed, let us trust our hearts and move out, take the leap of faith, and give ourselves the chance to exhibit the excellence God wants us to share.  

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, we thank you for your ongoing presence in our lives. When we are physically worn, you help us recover; when emotionally drained, you recharge our spirits. We thank you for always being with us. Amen







Friday, January 31, 2025

Help Wanted

 Help Wanted

     When reading the newspaper, do you ever take a quick look at the help wanted section? Many of us do for a variety of reasons; searching for an improvement in a career position; a new career, salesmen sometimes spot new prospects; there are many reasons. The selection grows thinner than usual in hard times and slow economies.

    When we attend church, we hear a message. Sometimes we listen and absorb and come away enthusiastic about the subject. We are pleasantly soothed and calmed at other times, and occasionally we are disinterested. It is OK to be in any one of those moods after hearing a message. We are all different, and even God can’t send us a message on Sunday that affects all of us uniformly.

    What does it mean when we are enthusiastic about a message? When it inspires us to think about action? Perhaps there is an opportunity to serve, help, increase our time or cash commitments. Whatever it may be, we have heard God’s “HELP WANTED,” and it is our choice to apply for the job. It is our opportunity to allow God’s will to be done through us here on earth.

Thought for Today: Today, let us focus on our daily activities. Search our planners and calendars for Godly reasons to be busy. Allow some time to do God’s will as we move through our busy schedules.

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, wars and conflict abound, hunger and poverty seem excessive in the world. This seem inconsistent with your will. We pray that we find a way to contribute, to serve society in your name, and respond to your “HELP WANTED.” Amen


Friday, January 24, 2025

A Place to Hide

 A Place to Hide. 

"The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;

You have made known to me the path of life;

you will fill me with joy in your presence,

with eternal pleasures at your right hand."

(Psalm 16 Vs. 6, 11 & 12) 

            In the eighties, Ty Boyd, a speaker on the business circuit, was a Christian, businessman, and TV adman who introduced me to the National Speakers Association. Ty taught me that to be successful, you had to be happy. Also, to be happy, you had to have a "life plan" that included all phases of life. It is early in the New Year, and we all have our resolutions and goals; that is good. However, what is our plan to accomplish those goals?           

Frankly, I do not care about the plan to lose weight or get fit, the resolution to be a better employee, etc. Let us recognize what has been given to us through Jesus to be successful and happy. This year, we must use the Lord as a refuge, a place to seek peace.           

The expression "When the going gets tough, the tough get going" is sporty and cute. I think that when the going gets tough, spiritual people will recognize the pleasant boundaries given to them by the Lord and be at peace. They will see the path of life made available to them through faith and experience, the joy of following the way, the will of God. The closer we stay to the Lord and His plan, the happier and more successful we will become. 

Thought Today Day (Week or Year!): Let's focus on staying close to God. If we have not put this closeness in our life plan, let's do it now. Let's set ourselves up for success and happiness. 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, we are scared and concerned as we move forward through a changing world. We pray that we may hear your call, find refuge in your love, and follow a plan to be close to you throughout life and do your will here on earth.


Friday, January 17, 2025



"...what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honor.

(Psalm 8:4,5 NIV)

           There seems to be a win-lose philosophy running rampant throughout our society in America. There is a lot of hero worship devoted to overpaid athletes. We seem to have Henry Russell Saunder's (see note) attitude, "Winning isn't everything. It's the only thing." That may be our world, but it is not God's world.

        The Psalmist demonstrates that we were created a little lower than the angels and crowned with glory. There is plenty of God's love for each of us. When shared in God's way, worldwide resources will do for all. We live in an incredible world with great people; somehow, we taint it with our un-godly behaviors.

        As a young athlete in the 1940s, I remember the great Grantland Rice quote, "It's not that you won or lost but how you played the game." That is an expression of a win-win philosophy—God's way.

Thought for Today: Focus on creating win-win situations in our lives. Observe our surroundings and lighten them up a bit. Slow for the other drivers, merge rather than block. Open a door and allow for a few people. Sit forward in church and leave some room in the back for latecomers. Let's show everyone that we all can win.

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, we need you to guide us into a win-win world. We pray that we can find a way to spread your love and accomplish world cooperation!