Monday, April 11, 2016

Happy Landing

Happy Landing

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because,
having stood the test,
that person will receive the crown of life
that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”
(James 1 vs. 12)

            Perseverance is life, we need to persevere in many ways and the easiest way is through meditation, prayer and having the faith that the Lord will bring us through our lives. We all hope for an easy life without illness or discomfort; always having a job; a life partner to share things with; and the list goes on. In other words, we want to be born to live happily ever after!
            If we were we would not build character or learn. As I write this in beautiful Minnesota, we are in the nearing the end of what has been a record breaking warm winter. However, it is not letting go and we cannot seem to locate spring.
            We will get through it and when spring comes it will be later than usual and appreciated more. It is a good example of how trials in our lives cause growth and appreciation of the good times. In the instance of our Minnesota weather, in 1974 when we relocated here our real estate agent talked about our beautiful summers and said they were worth the wait. Praise be to God, we need help this year!
            There is a church that I drive by that posts a weekly slogan that describes it very well. I do not know the author but it said something like “Life is not about having a bumpy flight. It is about having a smooth landing!” We need to keep our faith to persevere on our bumpy ride. The best part will be the landing!

Thought for Today: Today will be the first day of the rest of our lives. Let us be spiritual and use it well.

Prayer for Today: Dear Father, we are experiencing a very bumpy ride. We have concerns about money, pollution violence and more. Today we give thanks for having the spirit and will to get through it all so that we may experience the landing. 

Monday, April 4, 2016


This was written in 2011 right after a police action on the highway that was visible from my window. I thought of it after reading a report about street violence in America in yesterday’s paper. People are shooting each other at record rates in our cities.


"The Lord Almighty is with us;
 the God of Jacob is our fortress."
Psalm 46:7

            Recently while writing, a news flash can across my computer screen that there was a shootout on a local highway that had shut down the road. So what, I am here safe in my home. Well, I live within a half mile of the spot and they had put all the local schools on lock down until the situation was resolved. I did not feel very secure at all.
            When a crime or event like this occurs in "our neighborhood", we ask "How could this happen here?"  The truth is that tragedy and violence can happen anywhere. None of us is immune. June and I have said for years that anything can happen at any time. We are always wary when we travel but not so wary when we are at home.
            The author of the 23rd Psalm wrote these familiar words, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me." The psalmist does not say that we will not have to walk through the darkest valley or that evil does not exist. Rather, the psalmist reminds us that we need not fear or be overwhelmed because God is present with us at all times and in all places. God will see us through. The ground and content of our hope is the promise that nothing in all creation can separate us from God's love.

            Real security cannot come from walls and fences; real security comes from having a relationship with God.

Thought for Today: Today let us feel secure in our faith, our neighborhood and in all of our relationships.

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, when the foundations of our lives are shaken, hold us close to you and remind us that you will never leave or forsake us. You alone are our hope and security.


Monday, March 28, 2016



Now all has been heard;
   here is the conclusion of the matter:
… keep his commandments,
   for this is the duty of all mankind
(Ecclesiastes 12 vs. 13)

            What a wonderful world it would be! We are all aware of the rules and will have a chance to break them daily, weekly etc. Temptation is always around and I frankly succumb to it too often. I guess each morning I need to pray “Dear Lord, for today I pray to be perfect.” No coveting, jealousies, anger, aggressiveness toward others (that must mean complete stops at the stop signs!). Ok, when I am done writing this I will try again!
            There are only ten rules to obey for a great life and a great world. Most of us try, many of us fail. That’s why we go to church on Sunday and pray daily. Somehow we end the day wishing we were better- that we were perfect.
            Each day we strive for perfection; that is we try to build character. We attend church and pray and that generates spiritual growth. Building character is slightly different, but parallels it. The closer we are to the spirit, the easier it is to have that perfect character we all desire.
            Persistence is the word, perfection is the goal. Pray daily, obey the commandments daily and life will be good. Never give up being the best you can be.

Thoughts for Today: For today let us be aware of the commandments in all of our activities. 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and father today we give thanks for our wonderful lives and the hope we have for the future through our belief in Jesus. For today we pray for the strength and judgment to be obedient and of the highest character.


Sunday, March 20, 2016

New Beginnings

This post is very personal!
New Beginnings

"This is a day of new beginnings.
time to remember and move on,
time to believe what love is bringing,
laying to rest the pain that's gone."
"Christ is alive and goes before us,
to show and share what love can do,
this is a day of new beginnings;
our God is making all things new."
(This is a day of New Beginnings; Vs 1 & 4;
Words: Brian Wren, 1978; Methodist Hymnal No. 383)
            Those of you that have known me long enough understand that on March 21, 1977 my family and I started a true "New Beginning". That was the year of treatment for alcohol abuse and the adoption of the slogan "This is the first day of the rest of your life". They supported me as did my friends and business associates. Each year I am reminded that through faith and friendship there is a good life. I thank all of you that have been my friends and associates since then.
            The story of recovery is repeated in our society every day with the grace of God ever present in the process. Often as Christians we see a need and get a chance to help. One of the beauties of being Christian is the act of helping.
Thought for Today: Today we will be out in the world interacting with friends and business associates. We may see a need to help. Many people will back away. Let us recognize needs in others and step forward with God's support and offer the Christian assistance that is needed.
Prayer for Today: This week the serenity Prayer:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Blessings to you and your family!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Capacity to Love

Capacity to Love

See what great love the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called children of God!
And that is what we are!”
(1 John 3 vs. 1)

            Are we made in His image? Are we the children of God? When we are trudging along through life it is often hard to think of ourselves like either of those. First we are taught to be humble so if I am in God’s image or God like, am I being arrogant? That’s a challenge. To be a child of God seems more acceptable to me, it least it cannot be interpreted as me claiming holiness. To me these are conundrums and part of the mystery.
            So here is where I KNOW we are like GOD. When my first child was born it amazed me how much love I felt in my heart. She, Karen, meant more to me than anything I had ever experienced. It was unbelievably good.
            When my wife was pregnant with my second child I was anxious. It was impossible for me to believe that I could feel the same way. My fear was that there would never be enough love in my heart; at least certainly not to the same extreme!
            Guess what, there was plenty there; and for the third and the fourth child, the first grandchild and through the ninth grandchild. Back to the two questions- the answer is yes. We are told of God’s never ending capacity to love and in that sense we have the same capacity.
            The word is “Love your neighbor as yourself” and we have the God given capacity to do it!

Thought for Today: This week let us recognize our capacity to love, care and respect everyone we come we contact and meet.

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, we have love in our hearts that you have shared with us. Today we pray that everyone can find this love and that we can take a step forward to world peace.


Monday, March 7, 2016


Note that in Minneapolis, MN yesterday it was 60 degrees and birds were chirping. The week looks warm and there are daffodils and crocus peaking from the ground. My favorite time if the year is growing closer! Enjoy!


Now faith is being sure of what we hope for
and certain of what we do not see.
This is what the ancients were commended for.
By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command,
so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
(Hebrews 11:3) 

Spring is a test of our patience and vision. We are tempted to believe that summer has arrived only to be brought back to reality. We will often get a week of cloudy, cold and windy weather after several weeks of warm weather. Bulbs pop through the ground and get covered with frost or even snow. Our hoses are on the reels and we worry they will freeze. The lawn needs to be mowed but it is too cold to sit out and enjoy it. 

June and I have been remembering some of our late spring weather happenings, the cruelty of it all. In 2010 on the last Saturday in April, Get In Gear race day, we had 6 inches of snow and 30 mph winds. On April 10th in 2006 we altered our evening plans because on a blinding snow squall that evening. Those are two recent events that closed golf courses, challenged our psyche and left no doubt who was in charge! 

A friend used to say “Spring has come the grass is riz, I wonder where the flowers is.” English teachers may shudder on that one, but it has a good message. We do wonder where the flowers are and are generally impatient while we wait. We buy flowers in pots and find warm places for them. We want to rush the season. There needs to be a prayer called “Hurry up God.” Spring is also a great time for visions. We know that at His pace, God will make things green and colorful. The frost will go away, the buds will open up and the color will return to nature. We know this will happen and we trust in it as we trust in our faith.  

Thought for the Week: This week let us stop and smell the roses that aren’t there yet. Yes, they have not come out yet, but we know that they will. Spring is a great example of God’s power and wonders, let us enjoy it. 

Prayer for the Week: Dear Heavenly Father, Hurry Up! Yes, we on earth need you to step up the pace! Bring us our spring flowers, warmer weather, fishing season and all that we enjoy. While you are at it, let’s eliminate the hungry, the poor and have world peace! Now let us ask for how we may help. This week we pray that we can contribute to these tasks, that we may find a place to help serve your will in our world.


Monday, February 29, 2016

The Promise

The Promise

"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work
and the love you have shown him
as you have helped his people and continue to help them.
We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end,
in order to make your hope sure.
We do not want you to become lazy,
but to imitate those who through faith and patience
inherit what has been promised."
(Hebrews 6; 10-12)

        In twelve step programs, there is a reading called "How It works". It recognizes that the program is to develop "spiritual growth not perfection". We all tend to get into that perfect mode; perfect mom, perfect dad, perfect employee and the list goes on. Let’s face it; we all fall short of perfection and have room for spiritual growth.
        In our daily lives, we make mistakes. We could count them weekly and judge ourselves as failures. The only one of us that does not make mistakes probably does nothing. Many people work their way into depression by counting their failures rather than their successes.
        In our spiritual lives it is not any different. We all have made mistakes and will continue to be less than perfect. We may feel bad or judge ourselves rather severely. However, "God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown...".We must remember that as we walk the walk.

Thought for Today: Today we will fail again at being perfect. With that in mind let’s focus on the good that we do, the encouragement that we give others and the love we have in our hearts. That will help us have a great day.

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and Father, it is easy to be distracted from your wishes for us. There are temptations that surround us in our daily lives; we make some bad choices and some good ones. Today we pray that we may focus on your understanding and caring love and for the opportunity to share your love with others.