Friday, May 31, 2019



"Flee the evil desires of youth,
and pursue righteousness, faith love and peace...
(2Timothy 2 verse 22)

            Paul sounds a lot like my mom sounded during high school. During the teen years listening was not my strong suit. How could a ranked athlete and honor student be a bad guy? In my mind my record justified my behaviors and the price paid was ten years that today I refer to as my dark period. Those year were the times I spent learning how life really was a two way street as opposed to a one way street that I owned.
            Faith somehow stayed with me and praying was often present when the darkness was dominant. God was with me in spite of my behaviors. He was always there and I would reach out to him just as Popeye would grab for his spinach. And, just like Popeye’s spinach, He always came through for me. He will also come through for you.

Thought for Today: Today will not be perfect so keep your prayer close by and ask for support!

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, today we thank you for the goodness in our lives and the hope and love that tomorrow will surely bring.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Finishing Again

Finishing Again

"It is better for you to finish now what you began last year.
You were the first, not only to act,
but also to be willing to act.
On with it then and finish the job."
2 Corinthians 8:10-11

         In the spring my thoughts gravitate toward the good old days when my friends and I trained 10 -14 hours a week for endurance events. The camaraderie or the group, the support offered by the group when one of us was having a bad day and the feeling of spirituality in the early mornings as we traveled on our way was priceless.
        As an unranked runner but former elite masters swimmer and Triathlete, there were many times that finishing a running event near the bottom of the pack was more rewarding to me than a swimming or triathlon trophy. A trophy is a nice memento, but over time become unimportant dust collectors. As an elite you are supposed to be near the top, but that really is not what it is about.
        In the early 80's my friend Billy and I ran a half marathon. He finished a good half hour ahead and felt great. My time goal was unrealistic and I ran out of gas at nine miles. The following year, Billy was again a half hour ahead of me but I met my personal goals and expectations. That day generated fond memories and the finishing picture hangs on my office wall. It reminds me that being at the bottom of the pack is not a bad thing when you are at the top of your game. The goal is personal, to be the best YOU can be.  Neither of us won that event or our age group but were proud winners because we finished. Life is like that- when we finish what we start, we win.
Thought for Today: It is spring, a time of renewal. God brings us flowers, green grass and warm temperatures. It is easy to be busy enjoying it all and put a few serious issues on that famous "back burner". Today let us identify what we need to finish; who we need to help; who needs our prayers; who could use a visit. Let us complete the tasks that the Lord has put before us.
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, we need your guidance on how to use your love to succeed. In our cities, our neighborhoods and the world we pray that we can find a way to contribute so that your love will somehow "finish" the race for peace and security.

Friday, May 17, 2019


" I come to the garden alone,
while the dew is still on the roses,
and the voce I hear falling on my ear,
the son of God discloses.
and he walks with me ,
and he talks with me,
and he tells me I am his own,
and the joy we share as we tarry there,
none other has ever known."
( In the Garden, C. Austin Miles)
(Methodist Hymnal No. 314)
The overwhelming support that we have as people of faith is certainly wonderful and one of the greatest advantages of Christianity. Often, as an A type personality, I awake before June and go jogging (now walking!) or golfing at sunrise, "…when the dew is still on the roses..". The sound of mourning doves and early robins is the dominant sound rather than traffic or other social activity related noise. Often I find myself humming "In the Garden".
        Another time when it comes to mind is before a tough meeting or event. Whether a business meeting, neighborhood meeting or a hospital visit, it is great to know that you are never alone if you let Him join you.  

We are blessed.
Thought for Today: This week let us simply remember that we are never alone. Let us enjoy His presence as we walk through our lives.
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, we are certainly glad that you are here for support. Often the world around us is confusing and it is difficult to understand your wishes. However, we give thanks for the roll that you play in our everyday lives and the help you give you give our friends and families.

Friday, May 10, 2019



Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.
 (Proverbs 4:vs.23)
            Oh yeah, here we go again on being good, not succumbing to temptation. We sure get tired of that don’t we?  In twelve step programs there is a lot of talk about the goal of spiritual growth rather than spiritual perfection.  I guess that means we will never be perfect. I am OK with that.
            This proverb goes on and on about being good by mentioning “…guard your heart, your lips, look straight ahead etc.” I did not print it all because we all know that!
            I ask but do not want to know your specific temptations and I have no intent on sharing mine. The bad news is we all have them. The good news is that the Lord is with us. . Purity, ethics, commitments and standards begin in our hearts.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
(Mathew 6:21)

Thought for Today: Each day we need to be the best that we can be. Today we will make choices. Let us make them from our heart- in purity with ethics, commitments and high standards. WWJD!

Prayer for Today: Heavenly father, we give thanks for your presence in our lives and the way that you guide us. Today we pray that we will rise above our temptations and represent your will here on earth.

Friday, May 3, 2019


The Lord is my strength and my shield. My heart trusts in him and I am helped.
My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song."
(Psalm 28:7)

    Is there joy in our lives? Let us face it, most of us have a lot more joy (positives) than negatives. Our family, friends and associates are sources of great joy. It is spring, the grass is green; the trees are budding with leaves and spring flowers are showing their colors. It is easy to see this kind of joy.

    Many people have a problems seeing the joys in their lives.  There are financial issues, family friction, sickness etc. that all play a role. There are always two sides to our lives. When we are down, it is important to remember the Lord and his place in our lives. As Paul said to the Romans (15:13); "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

    Yes, in our lives there are physical and emotional joys. Our surroundings and life styles generate them. The real joy, however, comes through our Christian beliefs. It is this belief that gives us the "strength" and "shield" mentioned in Psalm 28:7.

Thought for Today: Let us keep joy at the forefront of our thoughts. When challenged with life, let's use our shield - the Lord.

Prayer for the Week: Heavenly Father, many of our friends are fighting life’s battles.. We pray for them to understand your strength and love. We pray that they may find the joy that is only available through trust in you.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Frozen Chosen!

Praise the LORD
 How good it is to sing praises to our God,
   how pleasant and fitting to praise him!
…Sing to the LORD with grateful praise;
Praise the Lord”
(Psalm 147, vs. 1 & 7)

            Listening to Beth Moore recently she talked about evangelism, sharing our faith and singing praises. Not only during Sunday services but all week long! That is evangelism, an invitational ministry, a welcoming format. In our small Methodist church we are far from being evangelists. The young families are too busy and we in the older generation seem too tired. The actuality of it is we are too conservative. A term that I like is that we are the “frozen chosen.”
            Thirty years ago we had a gospel group come to our church for what they thought would be a rousing concert. The leader did all he could to get a group on Methodists to stomp their feet and clap their hands. He had limited success. We enjoyed the music but foot stomping was not an apt description!
            At a worship team meeting several years ago a group came to complain because people often applauded when our quartet or a soloist finished a piece. They requested that we put a notice in the announcements asking for no such show of pleasure or appreciation. As a team member I stated that if applause was outlawed they would have to deal with me standing upon a pew shouting “halleluiah-Amen!” Our pastor said “Pass the motion I want to see that!” I was blessed and the motion failed and we still applaud.
            We make decisions every day as to how we will interact with others. So today we will decide whether we will be inviting Christians or members of the frozen chosen!

Thought for Today: This week let’s mention our faith or our church to show someone why we are who we are. Let’s take our faith public!

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord and father, in April in the north-land we awaiting the buds and flowers of spring while the south is in full bloom. However in all climates strife, tensions and un-Godly terrorist attacks take place. We need a divine intervention, the interjection of love and respect and the elimination of hate throughout the world. Today we pray that we may contribute to peace and help relax the tensions around the world.
