Saturday, October 3, 2020

Don't Fake IT

Don't Fake IT 

Woe to you …you hypocrites!

 … on the outside, you appear to people as righteous

 but on the inside, you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

(Matthew 23v27)


            One of my favorite themes is been being true to our faith by being open and honest. It is something that we all desire, but it also comes with some social consequences. There are too many people in the world that have a different reality than Christians.

             In America and throughout most of the world, life is competitive. It is as if the resources are limited. As Christians, we are taught that the world has an abundance supplied by God and I believe that is true; but there is a major distribution problem in the world.

             Dealing with the wealth of Western civilization and how it relates to Christianity is scary. Recently when talking about a stewardship campaign at our church it was mentioned that if all Christians would tithe we would not need the government to run social programs. That would be great.

             Each of us needs to be as good as we can be to contribute to the positive factor in society.  We need to take social risks to reach our real rewards.

"He who has clean hands and a pure heart,

who does not lift his soul to an idol

or swear by what is false.

 He will receive blessing from the LORD

and vindication from God his Savior.

(Psalm 24v4,5)

Thought for Today: We will have to make a choice today; to be straight and true or hold back a bit. We need to make the tough choices and keep a pure heart to improve the world around us.

 Prayer for Today: Dear heavenly Father, we give thanks for the many blessings and opportunities you bring to us. This week we pray for the chance to demonstrate our faith to others; to help. We pray to be able to do your will here on earth.



Saturday, September 26, 2020




“For I am already being poured out like a drink offering,

 and the time has come for my departure

I have fought the good fight

 I have finished the race, I have kept the faith

(2 Timothy 4: 6 & 7) 

            Over the years I came to relate closely with the race analogies used by Paul in his letters. They are meaningful today because the events around the world have thrown us into a high state of BUSYness. (Spell-check hates that word but I like it!). In Paul’s message above he is not talking about a marathon, a workweek, getting to the children’s activities; it has nothing to do with our BUSYness. It has to do with keeping our faith peaked during the process of life. 

            This was written today because retired old Bob is too busy with retirement stuff; writing, blogging, helping others in need, increasing my exercise program, and generally being Bob. For the second day in a row, my morning meditation was pushed down the priority list, BUSYness. 

            There was a time where I skimmed the newspaper while watching the morning TV news, drinking my coffee. Thirty minutes of stress building and negativity. (Especially during this election year!) In the early 1990s, my daughter gave me a devotional, “With All My Strength”  by H. Norman Wright, and the TV and newspaper were replaced with morning devotions. My attitude and life improved through spiritual growth!    

             Today a few events were put off until later while I read Paul’s message to Timothy. You see, life is great but longer than a marathon! Sometimes called the daily grind. Life is good when the good fight is supported by spiritual growth! Finish your race by keeping the faith. 

Thought for the Day: In a counter to Paul's message about the race, I also read the following from the 23rd Psalm: “He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul”. Take a prayer break today and every day. 

Prayer for Today: Dear father, today we pray for personal peace.




Saturday, September 19, 2020

Start The Day

 00914 Start the Day!


The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn,

shining ever brighter till the full light of day.

But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness;

they do not know what makes them stumble.”

(Proverbs 4:18& 19)           

            Those of you that have known me a long time are aware that I have always been a morning person. In my mind, there is no better time of day than early morning, even sunrise. There is no prettier sight than the sun coming up out of the sea off of Boston, the early light on the first tee waiting for enough daylight to see the flight of the ball or the sun coming up over a mountain when viewed from a canoe while fishing. I am blessed because to me first light is a spiritual event. 

Each sunrise starts a new beginning, a new opportunity to do better, and a new opportunity to do God’s work. Yesterday is gone and can not be changed and our future is today and beyond. 

The devotionals started as something to do during the early hours. The newscasts on TV were (and still are) depressing. The newspapers are full of bad news. It seems that bad news sells. 

Tomorrow you will see a “first light”. It may be in mid-morning if you are a late sleeper. It could be a sunrise. Either way, it is a new beginning, a new opportunity. It will be the first day of the rest of your life! Spend it with hope and joy.

 Thought for Today: There will be seven days this week, each is a fresh start. Let us feel the spirit in the first light, the hope of a new day. Let us live the first day of the rest of our lives with faith and the joy of the Lord.

 Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, today we thank you for the sunrise; the new beginning; the new opportunity. We pray that we may use this wonderful opportunity to do your will here on earth.


Saturday, September 12, 2020

Share Your Spirit!

  Share Your Spirit

"Teach us to utter living words
of truth which all may hear;
the language all may understand
when love speaks loud and clear;
till every age and race and clime
shall blend their creeds in one;
and earth shall form one family
by whom thy will is done."
(Hymn: O Spirit of the Living God; Words Henry Tweedy, 1935)

        In the early 1990s, the pastor at our small church introduced the concept that we were all the ministers and his function was facilitator or spiritual leader. He used to say that the average Methodist invited a guest to church every 22 years!! He encouraged us to speak our faith, demonstrate our spirituality in our daily lives, and reach out to people.


        In our wildest dreams, we may at some time achieve world peace, resolve world hunger, and become an ethnically and racially blended society. When that happens, it will not happen through the politics that we have today. It will be a Godly event that we cannot perceive.


        We are all ministers and have the opportunity to work every day towards an improved society. Language and color divide us into nations and social groups. However there is a common language,"... living words of truth which all may hear; the language all may understand when love speaks loud and clear;" We all have a job to do.

Thought for Today: We can find it easy to get caught up in our activities. Families have sports programs, school issues, and their business stuff while singles have their way of filling the week. Yes, most of the world’s people keep busy. Today let us seek the opportunity to demonstrate and share our spirit with someone.



Prayer for the Day: Heavenly Father, today we thank you for the people you placed in our lives that have supported and led us to grace. Today we pray for the opportunity to contribute to your will here on earth.


Saturday, September 5, 2020

Peace Together

Remain in me, as I also remain in you.

(John 15 vs. 4) 

            Often people say they are no longer interested in organized religion The ritual, rules, money, and hard work did not do it for them; shame on them and shame on their church. There are others that change churches often searching for something they never quite find. We need to pray that they locate it. (It may be in their hearts!) 

In general, those described above are less than happy. 

            Jesus message is clear, He is with us always. When we are searching and restless the ball is in our court; we are the problem. These are the times that we are out of touch with the Holy Spirit; not taking the time to open our hearts. When we are spiritually down and out, we need to look at ourselves first. 

            In 1954, Stuart Hamblin published the song “Open Uo Your Heart” (and let the sunshine in.). Google shows that it was a big hit by the Maguire Sisters that year! It has since been used hundreds of times in cartoons, children's messages, and TV shows.  Jesus is our Lord and sunshine; we the people need to allow the sunshine in so that we may find peace together. 

Thought for Today: Today let us open our hearts to the Lord. Let’s find peace with Him. 

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, today we thank you for being with us; on our walks, at work, in our cars, and all phases of our day. Today we pray that we may stay in touch with you under all conditions.


Friday, August 28, 2020


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding."

(Proverbs 3:5).


            We often try to make things happen in our lives driving toward human goals and dreams while conforming to modern society's standards. It is easy to get diverted from a solid spiritual track when we track ours way rather than the Lord’s way; when we pursue possessions rather than peace of mind. 

            The question "how do I know God's will?" has been asked many times. But before this question can be answered, another question should be asked; "Am I ready and willing to do God's will?" If the answer is yes, then the other question can be asked. Remember what he has in mind for you may take you by surprise. Perhaps it is best expressed by Isaiah 55:8-9: 

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

 neither are your ways my ways', declares the Lord.

 'As the heavens are higher than the earth,

 so are my ways higher than your ways

 and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." 

            To know God's will there cannot be any power struggle; he wants our will to be submissive to him. The more we value control and power, the greater a struggle we will have. To be at peace, He needs to be in charge. 

Thought for Today: Today let’s try to do God’s will through our daily activities. 

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, today we search for clues to help do your will here on earth. We pray that we can contribute to making your world a better place. Amen

Friday, August 21, 2020

Birthday Special- Be Healthy!


August 21- Birthday Special


Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens,

always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Jesus Christ.”

(1 Thessalonians 5:15-15) 

Each year on my birthday, I give thanks to something learned in my youth as a YMCA brat. The symbol for the Y is a triangle, each side has a meaning, “spirit, mind, and body”. Each year I give thanks for my role as a father, son, and place in society. But let’s talk a bit about what it takes to be in a good place with ourselves. It is being selfish. Yes, being selfish in pursuit of a healthy self: mentally, physically, and spiritually.

In each of our lives, we must fit into some basic places in society; a family, a workplace, and a social setting. We fit best when the three sides of our triangle are in a healthy balance. That is to say, we focus on each a little every day so that we minimize life’s problems. 

In all areas of our lives, it is important to demonstrate the forgiveness and love that comes from a strong spirituality. We need to be physically fit enough to deal with the long days without being fatigued and run down. Also, we need to be mentally sharp enough to make the decisions that are expected of us. That is a lot to ask of mortals and not an easy task. So be a bit selfish, take care of yourself so that you may be all that

 God wants you to be and be capable of doing His work when the opportunity presents itself to you. Take care of yourself so that you can be all that your family needs you to be. Remember the logo of the YMCA, spirit, mind, and body. Keep fit and enjoy life! 

Birthday Thought: Today is the day the Lord has made, a day for me to enjoy. Friends will recognize it, the family will celebrate it and I will enjoy it. It is a blessing that we all have and a great day to give

thanks to the Lord for all of our many blessings.

 Birthday Prayer: Heavenly Father, today is a very special day, the day that you brought me into your service. Throughout this day, I give thanks for all the opportunities that you have given to me; the opportunity to have a healthy relationship with family and friends. Today I will often hear the words “happy birthday.”

To those words, I say, “Thanks be to God.”
