Friday, July 5, 2019

Spiritual Prosperity

Spiritual Prosperity

After Job had prayed for his friends,
the LORD made him prosperous again
and gave him twice as much as he had before.”
(Job 42:10)

            Prosperity is generally the result of good work; some are prosperous, and some are not. The world economy works that way. It is competitive and some people end up with more than others.
            Today ask yourself where you are in this regard and become a guaranteed winner. You see, real winning is not a financial thing at all. In our competitive business world growth has been difficult. Regarding our physical selves; growth in fitness, weight loss, and staying healthy are challenges that few change from year to year. That is why New Year’s resolutions go by the board.
            One area where we can always grow healthier and have plenty of help is spiritual growth. If you are reading this devotional you are on the right track. You see, there is no limit to God’s love and the benefits of being a spiritual being. Spiritual growth is always available, unlimited and beneficial. That is where true prosperity is found.

Thought for Today: Today let us ask if we are experiencing spiritual growth? …and why?

Prayer for Today: Lord and Father today help me grow in you, grow in my faith so that I may be a better servant. Amen

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