Saturday, June 13, 2020

Peace through Faith

Peace through Faith 

"Flee the evil desires of youth,
and pursue righteousness, faith love, and peace...
...The Lord's servant must not quarrel;
instead, he must be kind, able to teach and
not resentful." (2Timothy2:24)

Forgiveness is the way of our Christian life. It is not always an easy path. We Christians are challenged throughout our lives with anger and resentment. Sometimes we grow vindictive and just want to get even. Wow, what a curse. Is it possible to find peace through revenge? Absolutely not.

The news in 2020 has been traumatic, about Pandemic and bigotry…not much about love! So, what is next, and are we going to lead? …follow? …or just be spectators? I suggest there is an appropriate time for all three but that we each start with a self-evaluation! (and prayer!).


Sociologist Anne Curtis summed it up recently, “Social change happens in stops and starts. It moves along at a snail’s pace, trudging, like through molasses, then suddenly jolts forward when something big happens, often with expressions of violence (such as this). Violence has advanced social change for millennia… we need to make some really tough decisions about our own beliefs: Saying "violence is not the answer" ignores historical context. Between the lines, we're really just saying "I am more comfortable with the status quo."


Are you satisfied with our world?


In our churches last Sunday, we celebrated “Epiphany”. Webster defines it in our lives as "a moment of sudden or great revelation that usually changes you in some way.” It is time we started something new! If the Pandemic can cause us to think about a new reality, I suggest we use our Christian love to do the same.


            The Christian message is clear; we will find peace only when we have a strong enough faith to forgive and keep God through Jesus Christ at the forefront of our lives.


Thought for the Week: Let this week be the week we start the process of healing and creating true equality.

Prayer for the Week: Heavenly Father, we pray for peace and social justice. As your followers let us lead the way!

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