Saturday, October 10, 2020

  Indian Summer 

"This is the day
that the Lord has made,
Let us rejoice and be glad in it"
(Psalm 118:24)

            In Minnesota, we are experiencing a wonderful Autumn. An "Indian Summer" as it is called. Our first heavy frost was followed by a freeze and now we have warm temperatures. Certainly, this is a gift to us by God. It is something that we all appreciate and offers our thanks.

            During this time, the crabgrass has died; there is color in the leaves; the lawn does not need to be mowed as often; the evenings are cool; the garden does not need weeding.

            There are many blessings about "Indian Summer" and they are easily recognized. In our daily lives, there are also many blessings but we often do not see and acknowledge them. We try to control our lives and often do not turn enough over to God. The more we allow Him to take over, the more blessed our lives become. 

            The Psalmist says "...But may all who seek you, rejoice and be glad in you..." As we give thanks for good weather, we need also to give thanks and recognize God's roll in our daily lives.

Thought for Today: The fall season is upon us. The busy holidays are approaching us all too swiftly. This week we have the opportunity to relax and enjoy the dwell in activities between the end of Summer and the holidays. Let us enjoy by allowing God's will into our daily lives. Let Go and Let God and appreciate the things he will do for us.

Prayer: Father, we pray specifically for those in the World that need food, shelter, and quality of life. In our country, there are too many people out of work or threatened by unemployment. In many countries, the Holy season approaches many desperate people. We pray for them and that somehow the prosperous peoples of the world can find a way to do your will. We pray that we may find a way to contribute.

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