Saturday, February 3, 2024

Confidence through Trust "One who trusts in the Lord is secure." (Proverbs 29:25) A Pickeringism is a phrase or idea that is an absolute truth with no scientific basis. A favorite is "All days are not created equal!" Hmm. Truth in all areas of life. Marriages vary daily when one spouse has a gloomy day, or maybe both do! In the workplace, differences are variable despite all the rules and policies. That is what makes life exciting and challenging. In Thomas' book, I'm OK; You're OK," he reviews the four states of every two-person relationship. They are summarized as I'm" OK, you're not OK": when one person has some stress or discomfort with the moment. That same position is reversed with the second condition, "I'm not OK, you're OK. A great place to be is home when all is well and comfortable; I'm OK, you're OK; the state of marital bliss; Live happily ever after. (Wow, is that optimistic.) Then, the whole relationship may be a mess with the condition "I'm not OK, you're not OK." Among all life's variables, there is a constant: the power of one that can work on any day, in any condition. That power is our faith. Pickeringisms can be negated by confidence and the knowledge that God is with us and will bring us through. Joseph Kennedy, President Kennedy's father, is credited with saying, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." We must recognize that the going will often vary, and sometimes, we need to pray for guidance and help. Thought for Today: Today, let's be secure in knowing that the Lord is with us and will help us through. Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, we thank you for your support in our everyday lives. We are grateful for your blessings. We are thankful that no matter how the world changes, you will be there when we need you. Amen

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