Friday, May 31, 2024


Desire "Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace..." (2timothy 2 verse 22) Paul sounds a lot like my mom sounded during high school. During my teen years, listening was not my strong suit. How could a ranked athlete and honor student be a bad guy? In my mind, my record justified my behaviors, and the price paid was ten years, which I refer to as my dark period. Those years were the times I spent learning how life was a two-way street instead of a one-way street that I owned. Faith somehow stayed with me, and praying was often present when the darkness was dominant. God was with me despite my behaviors. He was always there, and I would reach out to him just as Popeye would grab for his spinach. And, just like Popeye's spinach, He always came through for me. He will also come through for you. Thought for Today: Today will not be perfect, so keep your prayer close by and ask for support. Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, we thank you for the goodness in our lives and the hope and love that tomorrow will surely bring. Amen

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