Friday, August 16, 2024


A Pleasant Temptations "Blessed is the man that endures Temptation, for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those that love Him." (James 1:12) In the words of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale," Temptation is the urge to do or say something wrong, something contrary to the will of God and the law of Christ. Temptation often comes in pleasant and seductive form, and the mind always attempts to rationalize it to make it seem right." We face it every day. We can choose the right or wrong path, the opportunistic or the Godly way. None of us has always chosen the right path that follows the law of Christ. We have all crossed that line and felt remorse, guilt, or doubt. Yes, admit it; you are not quite perfect. It is common for us to hold on to the memories of when we slipped and took Temptation. Often, this sorrowful thinking leads to a low self-image or guilt that affects our lives. Working with others for the last 25 years, June and I have seen people turn their lives around by accepting the concept of "spiritual growth" and making amends to those they have harmed. We are not perfect, but when we grow spiritually, we feel good about ourselves and turn down the temptations that confront us daily. The secret of success is spiritual growth through prayer and daily meditation. Thought for Today: In our personal lives, there are temptations, ways to cheat, subtle dishonesty, procrastination, lust, etc. We can choose to follow the Lord's commandments. Let us note our wise decisions and thank the spirituality and maturity that gets us through the week. Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, our world is confusing. Religious wars and terrorism abound in the East. Neighbors use their version of God to discriminate against others. Within our society, there are many opportunities for us to help. We pray that we will recognize that part of our lives. We pray we may find a chance to help bring peace and love. We pray for the time to counteract the fear and hate in our world. Amen

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