Saturday, August 31, 2024

Time Out!

Time Out “Teach us to number our days so that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12) Citizens of the World and America are dealing with pandemic issues, environmental challenges, and a world war. We just finished a long pleasant summer; arboretum picnics, pool time, family visits and took our long walks filled our time. Yes, we relaxed through our activities. Many people are still uptight. Attendance in Christian churches goes down in the summer, and people go the entire period without recharging their batteries. They get to the end of August, tired and feeling empty. There is a better way and a way to a better peace. My message is that what we do is fine, but if we feel a bit empty, that is the message to bring the Lord’s holiness into our day. Lincoln put it like this: “All we want is time, patience, and a reliance on a God who has never forsaken his people.” When we are feeling empty, we need to recharge our spirituality. Thought for Today: Let’s reach out and show the world our Christ-like side. Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, it has been a long busy summer. We are renewing our fall and winter activities. Thank you for the rest and recreation of vacation times as we move forward into the school year and the fall season. Amen

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